U.S. Press Freedom Tracker

Submit an Incident

En español

By sharing your experience, you are helping support a novel effort to gather systematic information about press freedom incidents in the United States.

If the individual submitting the case is the affected journalist, our team will make every attempt to contact the affected journalist before publishing the case on the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker. We aim to publish the information in your submission, after it is verified, unless the individual submitting the incident clearly indicates otherwise. The Tracker may document publicly available information without comment from the journalist or outlet.

The purpose of this project is to publicly document press freedom incidents in the United States. The Tracker is focused on collecting quantitative data — we are not attempting to gather comprehensive data on online threats and harassment. To better understand our methodology, view our FAQ. Because of the anticipated volume of submissions, you may not be contacted about your submission.

You can also get in touch by sending an email to tips@pressfreedomtracker.us.

If you need legal assistance, please contact the legal hotline for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press at rcfp.org/hotline or, for after-hours emergencies, 1-800-336-4243. Other types of help may be available by contacting the Committee to Protect Journalists at emergencies@cpj.org.

Your Details

Incident Date

How Did You Learn About The Incident?

Describe the Incident

Do You Prefer We Keep Your Name Off The Record?