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Vary: Accept
"title": "Portland Tribune photographer struck in arm with projectile during protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-10-04T17:26:41.334904Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:15:42.328922Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:15:42.246114Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"8i41k\">Jonathan House, a photo editor and photographer for Pamplin Media Group and the Portland Tribune, said he was shot with an impact munition while covering protests in Portland, Oregon on July 21, 2020. Multiple other journalists also reported being <a href=\"\">targeted with crowd-control munitions</a> that day.</p><p data-block-key=\"ihf1g\">House was covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"enti6\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"8xvzn\">Demonstrations that began the night of July 20 stretched into the early hours of the next day, according to the <a href=\"\">Oregonian</a>, as the “Wall of Moms” and other protesters confronted federal officers stationed at the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse and the Multnomah County Justice Center downtown.</p><p data-block-key=\"irdai\">House was filming from across the street from the courthouse and Justice Center when he was shot in the arm. A <a href=\"\">video</a> that House posted on Twitter at 12:34 a.m. shows a fire in the plaza on Southwest Main Street where an elk statue used to stand. About 29 seconds into the video, the frame wobbles as House is hit. “Federal agents moved in to clear the crowd. My arm got shot with an impact munition as I was taking this video (near the end),” House tweeted.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Federal agents moved in to clear the crowd. My arm got shot with an impact munition as I was taking this video (near the end). <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Jonathan House (@jonhouse_) <a href=\"\">July 21, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"z4uto\">House said he believes he was targeted. "This felt like the first time that I was specifically targeted," he told the <a href=\"\">Portland Tribune</a>. "That rubber bullet was six inches from putting me into the hospital."</p><p data-block-key=\"1wbjp\">House told the Tracker that he was wearing a bright blue climbing helmet marked “press,” as well as identification on his backpack and a large press pass.</p><p data-block-key=\"p0xsm\">“I understand that you shoot tear gas out and it just takes up whole city blocks, especially if it’s windy,” he said. “But it seems particularly egregious if I’m kind of just standing there and I’ve got both my hands up while I’m filming something, and then one shot is literally coming right at me and hitting me.”</p><p data-block-key=\"iv7ja\">DHS, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that officers used pepper balls and tear gas to respond to an “assault” against the courthouse and law enforcement officers by rioters. The agency didn’t respond to a request for comment on the incidents.</p><p data-block-key=\"gqeg3\">The Portland police said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that its officers weren’t present and didn’t engage with protesters that evening.</p></div>",
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"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Jonathan House (Portland Tribune)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Freelance journalist struck with projectile at Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-05-14T14:47:42.994199Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:15:09.103359Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:15:09.026294Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"3lvhh\">Freelance journalist Michael Elliott said he was struck with a foam-tipped crowd-control munition while he covered a protest outside the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, on July 21, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"p9zgw\">Elliott was covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\"> documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"rgefh\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had<a href=\"\"> grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t<a href=\"\"> expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"bdoor\">On the night of July 21, the “Wall of Moms” and thousands of other demonstrators converged on the courthouse downton for another night of confrontations with the federal agents. according to the local<a href=\"\"> KPTV</a> news station. When some protesters began pulling off the plywood blocking access to the courthouse shortly after 11 p.m., federal agents emerged from the building to clear the area.</p><p data-block-key=\"nz2ia\"><a href=\"\">Elliott</a>, who says his work has been published by VICE, Oregon Public Broadcasting and Willamette Week among others, told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker he was reporting from a sidewalk near independent journalist Eric Greatwood, who was livestreaming the protests with a camera attached to the top of a 20-foot pole.</p><p data-block-key=\"k9a5b\">The two journalists were standing on the corner of Third Avenue and Salmon Street, a block north of the federal courthouse.</p><p data-block-key=\"4m4zc\">“The federal agents were at the northwest corner of the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse and they were firing at anything and everything by Lownsdale Park,” Elliott said. “I’m not entirely sure what it was that required them to have such a heavy response. At that point, most of the dispersal that they were gunning for had happened.</p><p data-block-key=\"cfsww\">“Nothing Eric or I were doing solicited the firing of the weapon other than just being there.”</p><p data-block-key=\"v3veo\">Elliott told the Tracker he was struck in the right shin with a foam-tipped round; Greatwood was <a href=\"\">struck multiple times as well</a>. Both of the journalists were wearing press badges around their necks and helmets marked “PRESS,” Elliot said.</p><p data-block-key=\"n5w94\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that officers were “forced” to leave the courthouse to repel a “mob” of protesters. DHS didn’t respond to a request for comment on this incident.</p><p data-block-key=\"udwzy\">The Portland Police Bureau said in a<a href=\"\"> statement</a> that its officers weren’t present and didn’t engage with protesters that evening.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
"teaser": "",
"teaser_image": "",
"primary_video": null,
"image_caption": "<p data-block-key=\"wu79i\">Journalist Michael Elliott was struck with a foam-tipped projectile while covering a July 2020, protest in Portland. He said federal agents responding to the demonstration were "firing at anything and everything."</p>",
"arresting_authority": null,
"arrest_status": null,
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"detention_date": null,
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"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
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"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Michael Elliott (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Journalist says he was hit with crowd control munitions fired by federal agents while covering Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-27T20:09:57.197887Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:14:49.497185Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:14:49.422221Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"d1pxz\">Freelance journalist Griffin Malone said he was hit with crowd control munitions fired by federal agents while he was covering a protest in Portland, Oregon, in the early hours of July 21, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"8kr90\">Malone was covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"1hn0t\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"3soix\">Demonstrations that began the night of July 20 stretched into the early hours of the next day, according to the <a href=\"\">Oregonian</a>, as the “Wall of Moms” and other protesters confronted federal officers stationed at the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse and the Multnomah County Justice Center downtown.</p><p data-block-key=\"jcgpx\">After dispersing protesters shortly after midnight and then retreating, federal agents emerged again around 2:30 a.m. to use crowd control munitions to disperse the smaller crowd that remained at the courthouse, according to the <a href=\"\">Oregonian</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"2weqd\">Malone was hit by a ricocheting munition or piece of shrapnel while documenting federal agents clear the area outside of the Justice Center from across the street.</p><p data-block-key=\"iv8oh\">In a <a href=\"\">video</a> Malone posted at 3:10 a.m., the camera goes askew about 16 seconds into the footage as he gets hit. “Feds pushed. One arrested, then I was shot in the foot. You can see the camera jump,” he tweeted.</p><p data-block-key=\"slgfs\">Malone doesn’t believe that he was targeted for being press, he said, because he was moving at the time he was hit. “I don’t think I was targeted, I was just running,” Malone, who wears press identification, a yellow vest and a helmet marked “press” to identify himself while reporting, told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"ydxs8\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that officers used pepper balls and tear gas to respond to an “assault” against the courthouse and law enforcement officers by rioters. DHS didn’t respond to a request for comment on this incident.</p><p data-block-key=\"v007l\">The Portland police said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that its officers weren’t present and didn’t engage with protesters that evening.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
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"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "no",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
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"status_of_prior_restraint": null,
"mistakenly_released_materials": false,
"links": [],
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"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Griffin Malone (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Journalist shoved down courthouse steps while covering Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-27T19:56:18.332988Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:14:31.942392Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:14:31.862864Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"3h6m3\">Sarah Jeong, an opinion writer for The New York Times and columnist for The Verge, said she was thrown down courthouse steps while reporting in Portland, Oregon, on July 21, 2021.</p><p data-block-key=\"qo06x\">Jeong was covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"k6v9e\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"jgg0i\">On the night of July 21, the “Wall of Moms” and thousands of other demonstrators converged on the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse downton for another night of confrontations with the federal agents, according to the local <a href=\"\">KPTV</a> news station. When some individuals began pulling off the plywood blocking access to the courthouse shortly after 11 p.m., federal agents emerged from the building to clear the area.</p><p data-block-key=\"c5fpg\">Jeong was standing in front of the courthouse in an area that is elevated several steps above the sidewalk, she told the Tracker. Federal agents exited the courthouse and swept right to left, clearing the crowd of protesters in front of the building, she said.</p><p data-block-key=\"si73v\">Jeong, who was standing in the center of the crowd, began to slowly back up while holding up her press identification, she said. Her helmet was also clearly marked “press.” A federal agent then pushed her down the steps, she said, adding that she believes the agent shoved her while trying to arrest someone near her.</p><p data-block-key=\"n2nw3\">Jeong went fully airborne and landed on her back. Her backpack protected her from further injury, she said, but she had a bad bruise and suffered whiplash for a few days after the event.</p><p data-block-key=\"wflsf\">Soon after she was pushed, at 11:19 p.m., Jeong <a href=\"\">tweeted</a>, “Curious if anyone got video of feds throwing me down the steps of the courthouse?”</p><p data-block-key=\"sqjhy\">While Jeong doesn’t have direct footage of the push, she did find a <a href=\"\">video</a> posted by another Twitter user showing the events leading up to the incident. About 19 seconds into the video, Jeong can be seen wearing a white helmet clearly marked “press.” She appears again briefly around 27 seconds into the video, on the elevated part of the courthouse, as an aggressive arrest is being made.</p><p data-block-key=\"mbnvq\">“It’s really hard for me to imagine that they didn’t know that they were pushing a journalist,” Jeong told the Tracker, but added that she isn’t sure if she was targeted as a member of the press.</p><p data-block-key=\"5dsjz\">“I was not that close to other people, I was clearly not a threat, I was holding up my badge, I was being very purposefully non-threatening,” said Jeong, who gave a declaration to the ACLU about the incident in support of a restraining order against federal agents. Since the restraining order was granted on July 23, her declaration wasn’t included in the suit.</p><p data-block-key=\"nlohr\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that officers were “forced” to leave the courthouse to repel a “mob” of protesters. DHS didn’t respond to a request for comment on this incident.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
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"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "unknown",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
"name_of_business": null,
"third_party_business": null,
"legal_order_venue": null,
"status_of_prior_restraint": null,
"mistakenly_released_materials": false,
"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
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"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Sarah Jeong (The New York Times)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Journalist covering Portland protests sprayed with chemical irritant",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-25T22:04:33.356810Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:14:11.266992Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:14:11.187500Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"fupdg\">Mike Bivins was sprayed with a chemical irritant by federal law enforcement officers while covering protests in Portland, Oregon, in the early hours of July 21, 2020. Multiple other journalists also reported being <a href=\"\">targeted with crowd-control munitions</a> that day.</p><p data-block-key=\"gnmu2\">The journalists were covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"1o1wr\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"vmcmr\">Demonstrations that began the night of July 20 stretched into the early hours of the next day, according to the <a href=\"\">Oregonian</a>, as the “Wall of Moms” and other protesters confronted federal officers stationed at the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse and the Multnomah County Justice Center downtown.</p><p data-block-key=\"i7k0i\">Around 12:30 a.m., as protesters tried to pry protective plywood off the courthouse, federal agents emerged from the building to confront the crowd. Around that time, Bivins was documenting federal agents yelling at protesters to disperse and pushing people back when he got pepper sprayed in the eyes, he told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"ckdf6\">In a video Bivins shared with the Tracker, a federal agent is seen rushing up to him and yelling, “Get out, now!” Then the <a href=\"\">video</a> goes askew as the agent sprays Bivins.</p><p data-block-key=\"x1tl3\">“I could feel it all on the side of my head,” Bivins told the Tracker. “I thought my skin was going to fall off.” While Bivins was wearing protective glasses, he said that within a minute after getting sprayed, he could no longer see out of his left eye. Several protesters led him away and provided him with assistance.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-aligned_image\"><figure class=\"inline-media full-width\">\n \n\n\n<img src=\"\" width=\"828\" height=\"1104\" alt=\"Courtesy Mike Bivins\">\n\n \n <figcaption class=\"inline-media__caption\">\n\t\t\t<p data-block-key=\"wvdlu\">Independent journalist Mike Bivins shared an image with the Tracker where rashes from the pepper spray are visible on his chest and neck. The chemicals also ruined his clothes, Bivins said.</p>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<span\n\t\t\t\t\tclass=\"media-attribution\"\n\t\t\t\t> — Courtesy Mike Bivins\n\t\t\t\t</span>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t</figcaption>\n \n</figure>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"ns1fw\">Bivins had a press identification from the local news outlet Village Portland hanging around his neck and visible to the officers, he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"vg28t\">Bivins said he plans to sue the Department of Homeland Security for $1 million over the incident. His attorney, Michael Fuller, <a href=\"\">sent</a> the agency a notice of intent to sue on his behalf in November.</p><p data-block-key=\"lpe09\">DHS, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that officers used pepper balls and tear gas to respond to an “assault” against the courthouse and law enforcement officers by rioters. The agency didn’t respond to a request for comment on the incidents.</p><p data-block-key=\"0j0au\">The Portland police said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that its officers weren’t present and didn’t engage with protesters that evening.</p></div>",
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"actor": null,
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"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Mike Bivins (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Channel One Russia cameraman assaulted while covering Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-22T13:18:18.533038Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:39:10.771093Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:39:10.684303Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"e7gka\">Channel One Russia cameraman Viacheslav Arkhipov was assaulted by federal agents while covering protests against police violence with colleague Yuliya Olkhovskaya in Portland, Oregon, on July 21, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"gcumz\">Protests continued for months in downtown Portland in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. On the evening of July 21, demonstrators gathered outside the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. courthouse, where protesters held signs and sang songs, according to Olkhovskaya, the Washington, D.C. bureau chief for the outlet.</p><p data-block-key=\"r6wp5\">The gathering remained peaceful, she told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, until some new arrivals began to agitate the crowd. A <a href=\"\">Department of Homeland Security report</a> about the evening describes several hours of violence, including attempts to set fire to the courthouse and break into its entrance.</p><p data-block-key=\"qdjqu\">Arkhipov and Olkhovskaya, had State Department-issued press badges visibly displayed and had a camera on a tripod nearby, Olkhovskaya said.</p><p data-block-key=\"jlr3w\">Olkhovskaya said that they were watching the courthouse scene at about 9 p.m. when officers came from the back door and kicked her. The Tracker documented her assault <a href=\"/all-incidents/channel-one-russia-dc-bureau-chief-assaulted-covering-portland-protests/\">here</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"9njtx\">Arkhipov said a federal agent hit his right wrist with a baton and a second federal agent grabbed his backpack from behind and pushed him to the ground.</p><p data-block-key=\"92gh1\">"Two agents snatched the camera out of my hands and threw it on the ground,” he said. “Then one of the agents kicked the camera with his boot."</p><p data-block-key=\"h4g3a\">After the officers left the area, Arkhipov returned to the courthouse area, only to find the camera had been destroyed.</p><p data-block-key=\"c8x0e\">The camera’s memory card wasn’t damaged so the crew managed to file a <a href=\"\">story</a> about the protest and the encounter with what the story described as “extremely aggressive” security forces.</p><p data-block-key=\"ui39d\">According to an Izvestia <a href=\"\">news report</a>, the Russian Federation sent official complaints to the United States about the Portland attack and another assault on Channel One journalists in Philadelphia in October. The Dec. 15, 2020, story said there had been no response from the U.S.</p><p data-block-key=\"qej9r\">The Department of Homeland Security didn’t respond to a Tracker request for comment on the two Channel One incidents.</p><p data-block-key=\"moxr5\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
"teaser": "",
"teaser_image": null,
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"arresting_authority": null,
"arrest_status": null,
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"detention_date": null,
"unnecessary_use_of_force": false,
"case_number": null,
"case_type": null,
"status_of_seized_equipment": null,
"is_search_warrant_obtained": false,
"actor": "law enforcement",
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
"name_of_business": null,
"third_party_business": null,
"legal_order_venue": null,
"status_of_prior_restraint": null,
"mistakenly_released_materials": false,
"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
"equipment_broken": [
"quantity": 1,
"equipment": "camera"
"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"Equipment Damage"
"targeted_journalists": [
"Viacheslav Arkhipov (Channel One (Russia))"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Federal agent hits New York Times reporter in the head while he was covering Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-20T17:10:16.182712Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:13:53.077755Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:13:52.990064Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"dts3g\">Mike Baker, Seattle bureau chief for The New York Times, was struck in the head by a federal officer while covering protests in Portland, Oregon, in the early hours of July 21, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"302v2\">Baker was covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"7yaf7\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"h2e89\">Demonstrations that began the night of July 20 stretched into the early hours of the next day, according to the <a href=\"\">Oregonian</a>, as the “<a href=\"\">Wall of Moms</a>” and other protesters confronted federal officers stationed at the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse downtown.</p><p data-block-key=\"umy7v\">Not long after midnight, Baker was observing protesters try to pry protective plywood off of the federal courthouse when federal agents <a href=\"\">emerged from the building</a> to confront the crowd. One agent came up from behind Baker and hit him in the back of the head, knocking him over.</p><p data-block-key=\"wo4wz\">At 12:31 a.m., Baker <a href=\"\">tweeted</a>: “The feds came rushing out aggressively. Throwing people to the ground, tear gas, firing less-lethals. One ran at me and punched me in the head, knocked me to the ground. I’m ok.”</p><p data-block-key=\"8szv7\">Baker also <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> a video captured by livestreamer Eric Greatwood that shows a federal agent approaching Baker from behind before hitting him. Baker was wearing a gas mask and helmet and appeared to be standing away from the protesters when he was assaulted.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Things happened so fast last night, I wasn't quite sure the details of the federal officer hitting me. It looks like someone captured a bit at the end of this clip.<br><br>Out of personal curiosity, I'd welcome more footage if people have some.<br><br>To reiterate: I'm fine. Be back tonight. <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) <a href=\"\">July 22, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"lmu0m\">Baker said he didn’t believe he was targeted as press. “I think they were just going towards the protest crowd and just kind of hit me along the way,” he told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"2uyr7\">Despite being struck in the head and knocked to the ground, Baker said he wasn’t injured.</p><p data-block-key=\"lvqne\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that officers used pepper balls and tear gas to respond to an “assault” against the courthouse and law enforcement officers by rioters. DHS didn’t respond to a request for comment on the incident involving Baker.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
"teaser": "",
"teaser_image": null,
"primary_video": null,
"image_caption": "",
"arresting_authority": null,
"arrest_status": null,
"release_date": null,
"detention_date": null,
"unnecessary_use_of_force": false,
"case_number": null,
"case_type": null,
"status_of_seized_equipment": null,
"is_search_warrant_obtained": false,
"actor": null,
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "no",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
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"third_party_business": null,
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"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
"equipment_broken": [],
"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Mike Baker (The New York Times)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Channel One Russia DC bureau chief assaulted covering Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-10-06T14:39:58.524503Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:17:02.184394Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:17:02.085181Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"88ck2\">Yuliya Olkhovskaya, the Washington, D.C., bureau chief for Russia’s Channel One, said that she and cameraman Viacheslav Arkhipov were assaulted by federal agents while covering protests against police violence in Portland, Oregon, on July 21, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"wxrmp\">Protests continued for months in downtown Portland in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. On the evening of July 21, demonstrators gathered outside the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. courthouse, where protesters held signs and sang songs, according to Olkhovskaya.</p><p data-block-key=\"rej4m\">The gathering remained peaceful, she told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, until some new arrivals began to agitate the crowd. A <a href=\"\">Department of Homeland Security report</a> about the evening describes several hours of violence, including attempts to set fire to the courthouse and break into its entrance.</p><p data-block-key=\"724u5\">Olkhovskaya said that as she observed the courthouse scene about 9 p.m., she felt a kick from behind. "It was completely unexpected because there had been no officers around. They came from the back doors," she told the Tracker. "One of them pushed me to the ground and I dropped my phone.”</p><p data-block-key=\"ezhs8\">Olkhovskaya said she and Arkhipov both had State Department-issued press badges visibly displayed and had a camera on a tripod nearby. “It was obvious we were a professional crew,” she said.</p><p data-block-key=\"jddu8\">Arkhipov, who was hit with a baton and pushed to the ground, said federal agents snatched the camera from his hands and threw it to the ground. The Tracker documented his assault <a href=\"/all-incidents/channel-one-russia-dc-bureau-crew-assaulted-while-covering-portland-protests/\">here</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"vru1g\">Olkhovskaya said that she repeatedly yelled that she was press, but the officers never acknowledged that. She said one officer grabbed her helmet, threw it to the ground and pushed her away. After the officers left the area, she returned to the courthouse area, only to find a few remnants of the camera and no helmet.</p><p data-block-key=\"qpyla\">"They destroyed it completely and intentionally," Olkhovskaya said. "I still don't understand why they broke our camera."</p><p data-block-key=\"d7fua\">Olkhovskaya said she got scratches on her hands but they were able to file a <a href=\"\">story</a> about the protest and their encounter with what the story described as “extremely aggressive” security forces.</p><p data-block-key=\"jimto\">According to an Izvestia <a href=\"\">news report</a>, the Russian Federation sent official complaints to the United States about the Portland attack and another assault on Channel One journalists in Philadelphia in October. The Dec. 15, 2020, story said there had been no response from the U.S.</p><p data-block-key=\"42101\">The Department of Homeland Security didn’t respond to a Tracker request for comment on the two Channel One incidents.</p><p data-block-key=\"7c0xq\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
"teaser": "",
"teaser_image": null,
"primary_video": null,
"image_caption": "",
"arresting_authority": null,
"arrest_status": null,
"release_date": null,
"detention_date": null,
"unnecessary_use_of_force": false,
"case_number": null,
"case_type": null,
"status_of_seized_equipment": null,
"is_search_warrant_obtained": false,
"actor": "law enforcement",
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
"name_of_business": null,
"third_party_business": null,
"legal_order_venue": null,
"status_of_prior_restraint": null,
"mistakenly_released_materials": false,
"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
"equipment_broken": [
"quantity": 1,
"equipment": "protective equipment"
"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"Equipment Damage"
"targeted_journalists": [
"Yuliya Olkhovskaya (Channel One (Russia))"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Journalist hit with baton round, other projectiles during Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-10-04T17:33:15.633683Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:16:22.071487Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:16:21.995381Z",
"date": "2020-07-21",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"2a6zb\">Rach Wilde was one of <a href=\"\">multiple journalists</a> who said federal law enforcement officers targeted them with crowd-control weapons while they were covering protests in Portland, Oregon, in the early hours of July 21, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"xyfja\">The journalists were covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"0k4iw\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"3lgsq\">Demonstrations that began the night of July 20 stretched into the early hours of the next day, according to the <a href=\"\">Oregonian</a>, as the “Wall of Moms” and other protesters confronted federal officers stationed at the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse and the Multnomah County Justice Center downtown.</p><p data-block-key=\"u1nlb\">Around 12:30 a.m., as protesters tried to pry protective plywood off the courthouse, federal agents emerged from the building to confront the crowd.</p><p data-block-key=\"kn71j\">Around the same time, Wilde was covering events across the street from the Justice Center when federal officers rushed the crowd and targeted her with baton rounds and pepper balls, she told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"iwpp0\">“We were filming this rush, and they were shooting whoever and whenever they wanted,” she said. Wilde had been filming officers who were “aggressively either detaining or arresting” a protester when “one of them looked straight at me, pointed his weapon at my body and hit my ankle with a baton round.” She wore press identification issued by Black Zebra Production, an independent media organization, around her neck.</p><p data-block-key=\"gzmff\">“They continued to shoot at me [with pepper balls] as I was literally hopping away,” Wilde told the Tracker. “I had little marks on my backpack from when they shot at me.”</p><p data-block-key=\"7sutg\">Wilde, who had previous experience as a street medic, said she regrouped behind a car and continued to document throughout the night.</p><p data-block-key=\"dn6xy\">Afterwards, Wilde went to the hospital for an X-ray and learned that she had a “very deep bone bruise and possible hairline fracture.” She said she is unable to walk for prolonged periods of time and feels like she is “spraining it all over again” if her ankle is hit a certain way. She said she plans to return to the hospital for another X-ray soon.</p><p data-block-key=\"6ogyw\">DHS, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that officers used pepper balls and tear gas to respond to an “assault” against the courthouse and law enforcement officers by rioters. The agency didn’t respond to a request for comment on the incidents.</p><p data-block-key=\"k3skf\">The Portland police said in a <a href=\"\">statement</a> that its officers weren’t present and didn’t engage with protesters that evening.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
"teaser": "",
"teaser_image": null,
"primary_video": null,
"image_caption": "",
"arresting_authority": null,
"arrest_status": null,
"release_date": null,
"detention_date": null,
"unnecessary_use_of_force": false,
"case_number": null,
"case_type": null,
"status_of_seized_equipment": null,
"is_search_warrant_obtained": false,
"actor": null,
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
"name_of_business": null,
"third_party_business": null,
"legal_order_venue": null,
"status_of_prior_restraint": null,
"mistakenly_released_materials": false,
"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
"equipment_broken": [],
"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Rach Wilde (Black Zebra Productions)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Photojournalist hit with projectiles while covering Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-10-04T17:02:31.407002Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:17:38.651067Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:17:38.569758Z",
"date": "2020-07-20",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"q8eg0\">A freelance photojournalist was hit by projectiles fired by federal law enforcement officials in the early hours of July 20, 2020, while he was covering protests in Portland, Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"inqc4\">Jungho Kim was hit by a pink paint projectile while covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"ler29\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Kim <a href=\"\">declared his support</a> of the class action lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon, that led to the TRO.</p><p data-block-key=\"zk689\">At 12:05 a.m., Kim was standing between Chapman and Lownsdale squares after federal agents had cleared the area and formed a police line, he told the Tracker. He estimates that there were about 50 federal officers in the area, with the closest ones about 20 feet away from him.</p><p data-block-key=\"tilla\">“All of a sudden I felt this impact on my chest,” said Kim. “I looked down, and I was covered in pink paint.” He didn’t suffer any bodily harm from the impact, which he attributes his ballistic vest. The last photograph Kim took before he was hit shows a line of dozens of officers ahead of him, too far away to make out any identification.</p><p data-block-key=\"e5blg\">At 12:20 a.m., Kim <a href=\"\">tweeted</a>, “Portland Police are targeting journalists, including me (I'm okay, I'm wearing a ballistic vest). Do I look easy to mistake for anything other than press?” He clarified in a <a href=\"\">later tweet</a> that he thought it was actually federal agents that shot him.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Portland Police are targeting journalists, including me (I'm okay, I'm wearing a ballistic vest). Do I look easy to mistake for anything other than press? <a href=\"\">@NPPA</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Jungho Kim / 김정호 (@jkimphoto) <a href=\"\">July 20, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"d7q8h\">The accompanying photo shows pink paint splattered on the reflective part of Kim’s neon yellow vest, where the word “press” is written in large letters. A press pass is hanging from a lanyard around his neck.</p><p data-block-key=\"4ka8z\">Kim isn’t sure who fired the rounds, but he believes he was targeted for being press. “The fact that I was shot in the chest, basically where it says press, I think that that’s pretty blatant,” he told the Tracker, noting that he was in a well-lit area with no protesters around.</p><p data-block-key=\"03ca8\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
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"actor": null,
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
"name_of_business": null,
"third_party_business": null,
"legal_order_venue": null,
"status_of_prior_restraint": null,
"mistakenly_released_materials": false,
"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
"equipment_broken": [],
"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Jungho Kim (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Journalist hit with projectiles while covering Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-10-01T18:24:09.598954Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:40:14.055421Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:40:13.973432Z",
"date": "2020-07-20",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"jlzxw\">Portland-based journalist Lesley McLam said she was hit with crowd-control munitions by federal law enforcement officers while covering protests in Portland, Oregon, during the early morning hours of July 20, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"7c1jx\">Lesley McLam, co-host of a KBOO podcast who also works with news site Village Portland, said federal agents threw tear gas canisters toward her and her co-host, Cory Elia. McLam said she was clearly identifiable as a member of the press.</p><p data-block-key=\"q951s\">The Portland-based journalists were filming one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd, a Black man. A viral video showed a white police officer kneeling on Floyd’s neck during an arrest in Minneapolis. Floyd was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.</p><p data-block-key=\"ru70l\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July.</p><p data-block-key=\"qto5n\">At around 4:40 a.m., Elia and McLam were filming protesters near Southwest Salmon Street and Southwest Third Avenue downtown when several canisters landed near them, McLam told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker. A <a href=\"\">livestream</a> McLam posted on Twitter shows a standoff between protesters and federal agents.</p><p data-block-key=\"jcr27\">McLam can be heard yelling out in the livestream that she is a member of the press who is exercising her constitutional rights in documenting the protest.</p><p data-block-key=\"w003x\">McLam, who wore press badges and marked herself as “press” on her clothing, said she was targeted despite yelling out at the officers that she was a journalist. Elia’s <a href=\"\">assault is documented by the Tracker here</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"k5sr7\">While a <a href=\"\">number of federal agencies</a> had officers in Portland in July, McLam said she believes Border Patrol agents were present at the demonstration she covered because of the uniform patches she photographed. The Department of Homeland Security, which coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to requests for comment.</p><p data-block-key=\"2pnaz\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>",
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"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
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"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Lesley McLam (KBOO-FM)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Photojournalist hit with projectiles while covering Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2020-11-09T17:06:24.774188Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:17:21.098407Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:17:21.019747Z",
"date": "2020-07-20",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"amdhh\">Photojournalist Nathan Howard was hit by projectiles fired by federal law enforcement officials in the early hours of July 20, 2020, while he was covering protests in Portland, Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"sgy8p\">Howard was hit by pepper balls while covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"qgsla\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Howard gave <a href=\"\">declarations</a> in support of the class action lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon, that led to the TRO.</p><p data-block-key=\"nknnp\">In the early morning of July 20, Howard was covering federal officers clear protesters from the area outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse, according to the ACLU declaration. One group of officers exited the courthouse and pushed protesters across Chapman Square to Southwest Fourth Avenue. Howard remained in the square to document a second group of federal agents, which then emerged from another federal building two blocks away. At the time, the only other people in Howard’s proximity were journalists, as the protesters had already dispersed.</p><p data-block-key=\"jb28e\">When the second line of agents advanced north through the park, some of them turned their attention to Howard, he said in the filing. He held up his National Press Photographers Association press pass and shouted, “I’m press!” Then the agents told him to stay where he was.</p><p data-block-key=\"c90iq\">After the two groups of officers merged, some agents once again noticed Howard, according to the filing. When he held up his press pass again and repeated that he was press, one of the agents told him to stay where he was. However, another agent fired at least two pepper balls at Howard at close range, he said. Howard then hid behind a tree until he felt safe to continue working.</p><p data-block-key=\"x9yjt\">Howard <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> about the incident at 12:12 a.m., though he said in the declaration that it may have occurred just before midnight.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Myself and a few other photogs yelled press. Feds said "Okay just stay there," then shot me with pepper balls. Gee thanks guys.</p>— Nathan Howard (@SmileItsNathan) <a href=\"\">July 20, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"o01oe\">He told the Tracker that he had been wearing a puffy jacket, so the initial effect of the pepper ball was a mild sting. But he also experienced the full chemical effects of the projectiles.</p><p data-block-key=\"juijb\">Howard, who had been on assignment for ZUMA Press that day, said that he has no doubt that he was targeted. “During the 2020 Portland protests, I have been hit by pepper balls three times. The first two times, they were not obviously targeted at me, so I gave the police the benefit of the doubt. This time was radically different,” he wrote in his declaration.</p><p data-block-key=\"7prau\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
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"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Nathan Howard (Zuma Press)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Journalists hit with crowd-control munitions while covering protests in Portland",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2020-09-17T16:17:50.264546Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:39:52.368574Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:39:52.289953Z",
"date": "2020-07-20",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"emryt\">Cory Elia said he was hit with crowd-control munitions by federal law enforcement officers while covering protests in Portland, Oregon, during the early morning hours of July 20, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"6zsue\">Cory Elia, co-host of a KBOO podcast and managing editor of the news site Village Portland, said federal agents threw tear gas canisters toward him despite being clearly identifiable as a member of the press.</p><p data-block-key=\"66ncn\">The Portland-based journalist was covering one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd, a Black man, while in police custody.</p><p data-block-key=\"43umr\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July.</p><p data-block-key=\"z8o4g\">At around 4:40 a.m., Elia was filming protesters near Southwest Salmon Street and Southwest Third Avenue downtown when he and his co-host, Lesley McLam, were hit by tear gas. Elia told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker that several canisters landed near them.</p><p data-block-key=\"iyr5n\">Federal agents also fired munitions that “flew past our heads,” Elia said. “We were stuck on the corner and munitions were flying all around us, preventing our exiting the area.”</p><p data-block-key=\"zirm2\">Elia, who wore press badges and clothing marked with the word “press,” said he was targeted despite yelling out at the officers that he was a journalist. The Tracker has documented <a href=\"\">McLam's assault here</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"u8ya2\">While a <a href=\"\">number of federal agencies</a> had officers in Portland in July, it wasn’t clear which agency the officers were from. The Department of Homeland Security, which coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to requests for comment.</p><p data-block-key=\"j77a6\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>",
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"stopped_previously": false,
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"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"state": {
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"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Cory Elia (KBOO-FM)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "KSTP News 5 crew’s cable cut during live shot, interrupting broadcast",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2020-07-29T20:51:33.424798Z",
"last_published_at": "2023-11-01T15:30:15.293276Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2023-11-01T15:30:15.208185Z",
"date": "2020-07-20",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Anoka",
"longitude": -93.38718,
"latitude": 45.19774,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"6qzz3\">The cable connecting a KSTP 5 News crew’s camera to its live truck was cut during a live shot outside a bar in Anoka, Minnesota, on July 20, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"k9qg3\">Reporter Kirsten Swanson told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker that her crew was working on a general assignment <a href=\"\">piece</a> about bars and restaurants warned by the state’s Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division after failing to comply with coronavirus safety guidelines.</p><p data-block-key=\"a9dqh\">While the news crew, based in Saint Paul, was in an Anoka bar speaking with the owner, Swanson said they noticed a patron who went in and out several times, but specified that the man hadn’t acted aggressively toward them.</p><p data-block-key=\"ai4nk\">“Right before six o’clock, when my photographer went to set the camera up, the patron asked him, ‘Is that camera live? What are you guys doing?’” Swanson said. Her photographer explained they were preparing for a live shot and that they were reporting on the bar. The man scowled at the photographer, she said, before going back inside.</p><p data-block-key=\"yo8ui\">Swanson went on-air shortly after 6 p.m., and she introduced their piece before the recorded package began playing. Within seconds, however, she said they received word from their producer and the technician in the KSTP truck parked up the block that their live shot had dropped.</p><p data-block-key=\"s6oam\">“Being in this business for a long as we have, you know technology sometimes doesn’t work so we didn’t really think anything of it,” she said. When they went to see what had gone wrong, the technician began rolling in the cable that connects the camera and the truck but only half of it came back.</p><p data-block-key=\"l50ge\">“The tech stopped and looked down and said, ‘Oh my god, someone cut the cable,’” Swanson said.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Boy, this is a new low. Someone saw us going live on Main Street in Anoka and CUT the cable that runs from the truck to our camera. Shot dropped. Thanks <a href=\"\">@JackieCainTV</a> for finishing the story up. <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Kirsten Swanson (@KirstenKSTP) <a href=\"\">July 20, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"g68mm\">Swanson said they filed a police report for the damages, and that security cameras captured footage of what happened.</p><p data-block-key=\"xz7ue\">The Anoka Police Department did not respond to an email requesting comment.</p></div>",
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"image_caption": "<p data-block-key=\"xqjz7\">An unidentified man cut the cable connecting a KSTP 5 News crew's camera and live truck, interupting their broadcast on July 20, 2020.</p>",
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"state": {
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"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [
"tags": [],
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"categories": [
"Equipment Damage"
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"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": null
"title": "Videographer hit with crowd-control munitions while covering Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-10-01T18:26:41.551502Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:40:43.623684Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:40:43.541725Z",
"date": "2020-07-20",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"1g066\">Independent videographer Mason Lake said he was hit with crowd-control munitions by federal law enforcement officers while covering protests in Portland, Oregon, during the early morning hours of July 20, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"0rk34\">Lake said federal officers hit him nine times with pepper balls, including three times in the head. He said he was clearly identifiable as a member of the press.</p><p data-block-key=\"idvl9\">The Portland-based journalist was filming one of the many protests that broke out in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd, a Black man, while in police custody.</p><p data-block-key=\"mwsc8\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July.</p><p data-block-key=\"2og0b\">Around 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. on July 20, Lake was filming from the front lines of a protest near Southwest Salmon Street and Southwest Third Avenue downtown, where the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse is located, he told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"cm668\">Video <a href=\"\">posted by Lake on Twitter</a> shows federal agents stationed in front of the courthouse advancing on the protesters and shooting munitions. As flash-bang grenades and tear gas canisters go off, a smoking canister can be seen flying back toward the officers.</p><p data-block-key=\"etjbz\">Lake said that federal officers hit him nine times with <a href=\"\">pepper balls</a>, which are projectiles roughly the size of paintballs that discharge an irritant when they hit a person. He was wearing a gas mask to protect himself from the pepper and tear gas, with the word “press” clearly displayed on his helmet and vest, he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"5hzz5\">“I felt three at my legs, and then three in my chest, and three in my face and visor,” Lake told the Tracker. “They targeted right for my face.”</p><p data-block-key=\"newwq\">Lake said the pepper balls interfered with his ability to document the protest. “That pepper stuff fades in and becomes a chemical burn, so I ended up leaving,” he said. “They’re paintballs filled with pepper. When they hit you, it’s like cutting onions times 10.”</p><p data-block-key=\"lsog0\">While a <a href=\"\">number of federal agencies</a> had officers in Portland in July, it wasn’t clear to Lake which agency the officers were from. The Department of Homeland Security, which coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to requests for comment.</p><p data-block-key=\"hjzrq\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>",
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"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Mason Lake (Independent)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Journalist hit with projectiles fired by federal agents while covering Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2020-11-09T15:10:06.206197Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:26:21.279370Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:26:21.173110Z",
"date": "2020-07-19",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"158co\">Independent journalist Donovan Farley wrote that he was hit with projectiles fired by federal law enforcement officers while he was covering protests in Portland, Oregon, on July 19, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"kgazm\">Farley was covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"z8dx3\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Farley is involved in the class action <a href=\"\">lawsuit</a>, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon, which led to the TRO.</p><p data-block-key=\"7hmd5\">Farley wrote on Twitter that he took a projectile in the ribs.</p><p data-block-key=\"pla0d\">“No one there was aggressive and I was just filming and holding up my press pass, fed essentially shot my pass,” he <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> at 11:58 p.m.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">My press pass was on my right hand this is where the munition hit me on the right side. He obviously shot directly at my press pass. <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Donovan Farley (@DonovanFarley) <a href=\"\">July 20, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"ggyv0\">“My press pass was on my right hand this is where the munition hit me on the right side. He obviously shot directly at my press pass,” Farley wrote in a followup <a href=\"\">tweet</a> with a picture of the wound on his rib.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"ddxcy\">He had to cut his reporting short because he was having trouble breathing, according to a later <a href=\"\">tweet</a>. Farley didn’t respond to a request for further comment.</p><p data-block-key=\"s922c\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, also didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
"teaser": "",
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"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
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"state": {
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"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Donovan Farley (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Photojournalist injured by crowd-control munitions used by federal agents in Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-09-30T20:10:45.720164Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:27:11.718081Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:27:11.629799Z",
"date": "2020-07-19",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"6nglp\">Photojournalist Alex Milan Tracy said he was hit with crowd-control munitions fired by federal law enforcement officers during a protest in Portland, Oregon, on July 19, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"g0ad3\">Tracy was covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"o0x6l\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Tracy gave declarations in support of the class action lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon, that led to the TRO.</p><p data-block-key=\"i6l9e\">Shortly before midnight on July 19, Tracy was documenting federal officers as they launched a “barrage of tear gas” at protesters outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse, according to his ACLU <a href=\"\">declaration</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"68j9g\">“As I was taking video and photographing the chaos, a federal agent shot me in my left ankle joint with an impact munition round,” wrote Tracy, adding that he had been standing away from the protesters. “At the same time, I was consumed with tear gas and hit with pepper-balls on my right elbow.”</p><p data-block-key=\"emotw\">Tracy posted a <a href=\"\">video</a> on Twitter capturing the moment he was hit. “I take a hit on my left ankle joint. Thanks to<a href=\"\"> @SmileItsNathan</a> and street medics for helping me out,” he tweeted, referencing fellow freelance photojournalist Nathan Howard.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">I take a hit on my left ankle joint. Thanks to <a href=\"\">@SmileItsNathan</a> and street medics for helping me out. <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Alex Milan Tracy (@AlexMilanTracy) <a href=\"\">July 20, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"4l8j2\">Howard, who was also shot by pepper balls after midnight, posted a <a href=\"\">video</a> of Tracy being treated by medics. “Journalist<a href=\"\"> @AlexMilanTracy</a> is hurt. Less lethal to leg. Medics with him now. He says he's ok,” he tweeted. Howard’s assault was <a href=\"\">documented by the Tracker here</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"62pfs\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
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"denial_of_entry": false,
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"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
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"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
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"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Alex Milan Tracy (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Projectiles hit independent journalist covering Portland protest",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-10-04T16:43:54.667999Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:27:27.351818Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:27:27.261713Z",
"date": "2020-07-19",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"u79ft\">Independent journalist Jake Johnson was hit with projectiles fired by federal law enforcement officers while they were covering protests in Portland, Oregon, on July 19, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"m74lx\">Johnson was covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"f1vc4\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Johnson is involved in the class action <a href=\"\">lawsuit</a>, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon, which led to the TRO.</p><p data-block-key=\"adezl\">On the night of July 19, Johnson was hit in the stomach by a projectile fired by a federal officer. He was standing in Chapman Square, near the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse, when he was hit by an agent retreating toward the courthouse. At that point, most of the protesters were on Southwest Main Street or in Lownsdale Square, a park area next to Chapman Square and across from the courthouse.</p><p data-block-key=\"hppli\">Toward the end of a video taken by journalist Robert Evans and <a href=\"\">retweeted</a> by Johnson at 10:38 p.m., Johnson can be seen standing on a diagonal path that runs through Chapman Square.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">You can watch me get shot here in addition to two hours and 38 minutes or so of other high quality content and commentary from <a href=\"\">@IwriteOK</a>. You can see me get shot if you start watching at 2:33:00 I get shot around halfway through that minute. 1/2 <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Jake “wear a mask” Johnson (@FancyJenkins) <a href=\"\">July 20, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"8hn9u\">“I’m walking down the diagonal path very slowly because I’m not trying to startle any officers by rushing at them. I’m giving them plenty of time to see I’m approaching slowly, they can see that I’m press, the park is lit up,” Johnson told the Tracker, noting that his helmet says “press” on five sides.</p><p data-block-key=\"s5ao0\">Around 2:33:30 into Evans’s video, Johnson can be heard groaning as he gets hit in the stomach. He then kneels down to try and retrieve the projectile. “Based on the injury and the bruising pattern, my best guess is that it was a rubber bullet,” he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"8jsen\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, also didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
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"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
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"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Jake Johnson (Independent)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Independent photojournalist hit projectiles fired by Portland federal agents",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-25T21:46:30.501424Z",
"last_published_at": "2025-03-12T14:43:37.754356Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2025-03-12T14:43:37.662962Z",
"date": "2020-07-19",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"ty7yz\">Independent photojournalist John Rudoff said he was hit with crowd-control munitions fired by federal law enforcement officers while he was covering a protest in Portland, Oregon, on July 19, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"hmvtt\">Rudoff was covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"1z1n3\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Rudoff gave declarations in support of the class action lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon, that led to the TRO.</p><p data-block-key=\"b2h99\">Rudoff was hit in the shoulder with a projectile while documenting federal agents emerging from the courthouse and shooting tear gas and munitions, he said in his <a href=\"\">declaration</a> for the ACLU.</p><p data-block-key=\"u0itw\">“Suddenly, and for no reason, a federal agent shot me in my right shoulder, inches from my head,” Rudoff wrote, adding that he believes he was hit with a 40mm rubber bullet. “The pain was so bad that I had to retreat into the park and stop documenting for around 15 minutes while I recovered.”</p><p data-block-key=\"l79ve\">Rudoff said he felt targeted as press. “I have body armor that has ‘press’ on it in several-inch-high letters front and back, and a helmet that has ‘press’ on it in inch-high letters front and back,” he told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker. “I intentionally stand away from crowds as best I can, and intentionally I’m dressed in light-colored clothing as much as possible.”</p><p data-block-key=\"qwm1t\">In the declaration, he also noted that he had two large professional cameras with him and was wearing a National Press Photographers Association press pass.</p><p data-block-key=\"i2yym\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
"teaser": "",
"teaser_image": "",
"primary_video": null,
"image_caption": "<p data-block-key=\"6mzbp\">Federal law enforcement at a July 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in Portland, Oregon. Journalist John Rudoff was documenting one of the nightly protests later that month when he was shot with a rubber bullet.</p>",
"arresting_authority": null,
"arrest_status": null,
"release_date": null,
"detention_date": null,
"unnecessary_use_of_force": false,
"case_number": "3:20-cv-01035",
"case_type": "CIVIL",
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"is_search_warrant_obtained": false,
"actor": null,
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
"name_of_business": null,
"third_party_business": null,
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"equipment_seized": [],
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"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [
"(2025-03-05 00:00:00+00:00) Journalists settle with Portland, Oregon, over 2020 protest violations"
"case_statuses": [
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"John Rudoff (Independent)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Student journalist says federal agents threw crowd-control munitions at her during Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-14T21:17:30.859159Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:26:38.190336Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:26:38.096414Z",
"date": "2020-07-19",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"8puba\">Eddy Binford-Ross, a 17-year-old student journalist, said federal agents threw a stun grenade and tear gas canister at her on July 19, 2020, while she was covering protests in Portland, Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"yzs9p\">Binford-Ross, editor in chief at her high school student newspaper in Salem, Oregon, was covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"n5l1g\">July 19 marked the 53rd day of protests in Portland, Binford-Ross <a href=\"\">reported</a> in her school paper, The Clypian. The protests had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> with the arrival of federal law enforcement in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Binford-Ross is a plaintiff in the class action <a href=\"\">suit</a>, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"6jkwj\">The mood at the demonstrations had felt positive at the start of the night, Binford-Ross told the Tracker. She was covering the second night of protests by the “Wall of Moms” outside the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse downtown, a nightly flashpoint for confrontations between protesters and federal agents.</p><p data-block-key=\"icgix\">Just before 10 p.m., law enforcement issued a warning to protesters who had been attempting to dismantle the fence around the courthouse, which the federal government considered crucial to its presence, according to a document <a href=\"\">obtained by Oregon Public Broadcasting</a>. When the moms formed a barrier between protesters and the fence <a href=\"\">to de-escalate tensions</a>, federal officers rushed out of the courthouse and pointed guns at protesters from the other side of the fence.</p><p data-block-key=\"qh2a8\">It was just before midnight when the stun grenade was thrown towards Binford-Ross, she said. After some protesters had taken down parts of the fence, agents deployed stun grenades and tear gas to push protesters back into the street. Binford-Ross had already begun to retreat into Chapman Square and was away from most protesters when the multi-port stun grenade landed near her. When she tried to move away, an agent threw a tear gas canister in her path.</p><p data-block-key=\"h29ce\">“It was really inhumane,” Binford-Ross said. “It would be one thing if I was running towards officers, but I was running away from them, I was trying to get away from that situation.”</p><p data-block-key=\"1hraa\">Her mother, Warren Binford, accompanied her and <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> a video of the moment the stun grenade exploded. “The US #BorderPatro<a href=\"\">l</a> threw this stun grenade at me & my minor daughter, both US citizens, while she was covering this local story,” her mother wrote.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">The US <a href=\"\">#BorderPatrol</a> threw this stun grenade at me & my minor daughter, both US citizens, while she was covering this local story again last night about the <a href=\"\">#Feds</a> in <a href=\"\">#Portland</a> for her high school newspaper <a href=\"\">@Clypian</a>. This was the 2nd time in 3 days the Feds have thrown.... <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Warren Binford (@childrightsprof) <a href=\"\">July 20, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"ppvl0\">Another <a href=\"\">tweet</a> shows the stun grenade marked “BORTAC,” which is an acronym for the U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Unit.</p><p data-block-key=\"0vwt9\">In addition to having press identification, Binford-Ross had added additional press markings since being targeted with crowd-control munitions <a href=\"\">the day before</a>, including a helmet marked “press” on all four sides and pants with “press” written with reflective tape spelling down the leg</p><p data-block-key=\"t2srh\">While she’d felt more prepared to cover that night’s demonstrations since beginning her protest coverage in Portland two nights before, she still has moments when the odors of tear gas come to her at random times. “It definitely takes a mental and emotional toll,” said Binford-Ross, who covered more than 30 BLM protests in Portland and Salem for the school paper over the summer. Her tweets about the protests were used by ABC, Reuters, Yahoo News and other outlets.</p><p data-block-key=\"mzv8m\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
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"actor": null,
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"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
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"mistakenly_released_materials": false,
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"equipment_seized": [],
"equipment_broken": [],
"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"student journalism"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Eddy Binford-Ross (The Clypian)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Portland Mercury reporter says they were assaulted by Portland police while covering protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2020-11-11T17:55:52.500842Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:28:38.385281Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:28:38.280837Z",
"date": "2020-07-18",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"6ge8k\">Blair Stenvick, a reporter for the Portland Mercury, said they were assaulted by police on July 18, 2020, while covering protests in the Oregon city against police brutality and racial inequality.</p><p data-block-key=\"5ew4n\">Stenvick suffered abrasions and an ankle injury after getting pushed by police during a bull-rush of a crowd of protesters, despite a recent <a href=\"\">court order</a> that had specifically prohibited Portland police from harming or impeding journalists.</p><p data-block-key=\"vq02d\">The night of July 18 marked a string of continuous demonstrations in Portland for at least the <a href=\"\">previous 50 days</a> following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"6kpvw\">As one group of protesters returned to the main focus of ongoing demonstrations, the Multnomah County Justice Center and the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse downtown, Stenvick went to cover another protest outside the Portland Police Association office in North Portland.</p><p data-block-key=\"v33d5\">As soon as Stenvick arrived, the situation escalated. Individuals had <a href=\"\">set a fire</a> inside the PPA office, prompting the Portland police to <a href=\"\">declare a riot</a> just before 11 p.m.</p><p data-block-key=\"kinns\">In an interview with the Tracker, Stenvick describes seeing police use rubber bullets and smoke canisters. “I was always having to walk the line of trying to look out for my own safety but still being able to document things as well as I could,” Stenvick said.</p><p data-block-key=\"05qbd\">At that point, Stenvick backed away and followed directions by police. While taking pictures from the outskirts of the gathering, Stenvick noticed that protesters had suddenly started running. Stenvick looked back and saw police in riot gear bull-rushing protesters.</p><p data-block-key=\"y79km\">“I could tell in that moment that I was already in danger, and so I started running also, following police orders,” Stenvick told the Tracker. “Also putting my hands up in the air just to show that I wanted to comply with orders and not be a threat to them.”</p><p data-block-key=\"df8zz\">Stenvick said they yelled to the police, “I’m press! I’m press!” before being shoved to the ground.</p><p data-block-key=\"9n016\">“[It was] unnecessary [for them] to hit me because I was already running away, and wasn’t there as a protester,” said Stenvick, who had also been wearing a press pass. “Very clearly I wasn’t a threat to them, so [there] was a mix of ... anger, shock and disbelief.”</p><p data-block-key=\"6690h\">At around 11 p.m., Stenvick <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> a picture of their abrasions on the knee and hand.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Police just cleared the crowd. I was running full speed easy and got pushed from behind by a PPB officer. Fortunately I just got scraped. <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) <a href=\"\">July 19, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"2n9ql\">While Stenvick didn’t report this specific incident to police, they are involved in a class-action lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon in June. The Portland Mercury is one of several plaintiffs in the case, which led to the city agreeing to <a href=\"\">a preliminary injunction</a> in July to not to arrest or harm any journalists or legal observers of the protests or impede their work. Stenvick provided testimony about a <a href=\"\">separate incident</a> as part of the preliminary injunction.</p><p data-block-key=\"hizct\">Derek Carmon, a spokesman for the Portland Police Bureau, was unable to comment on this incident due to the ongoing litigation.</p><p data-block-key=\"d48mm\">After the incident, Stenvick resolved to use the experience as a lesson about empathy. “Journalists ... use their own life experiences to relate to other people, so just seeing for myself — even just in that one instance — what it’s like to be unjustly treated by a police officer, I think that’s helpful for me to have some tiny little piece of understanding when covering these issues,” Stenvick told the Tracker.</p></div>",
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"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
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"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Blair Stenvick (Portland Mercury)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Freelance journalist struck in leg by projectile while covering Portland protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2020-11-01T19:21:05.996721Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:28:21.288007Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:28:21.169844Z",
"date": "2020-07-18",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"a0608\">Freelance journalist Laura Jedeed said she was hit in the leg by a projectile fired by federal law enforcement while she covered a protest in downtown Portland, Oregon, on July 18, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"5kzvb\">Jedeed, a contributor to Portland Monthly and Willamette Weekly, was covering one of many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"py8sg\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July.</p><p data-block-key=\"tcdff\">In the early morning hours of July 18, Jedeed was covering a demonstration near the Mark O. Hetfield federal courthouse, where federal officers were stationed. Throughout the night, she told the Tracker, demonstrators “would hang out in front of the courthouse. And then without warning, the feds emerge, [tear] gas the hell out of people and then go back in.”</p><p data-block-key=\"595ns\">In one instance around 12:30 a.m., federal officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets, driving protesters north of the courthouse. “They were firing everything and the kitchen sink at protesters retreating down the street,” Jedeed said.</p><p data-block-key=\"uurc8\">While Jedeed was on Southwest Second Avenue, north of the courthouse, a projectile hit her in the leg. “This was while they were peppering the people who were fleeing with rubber bullets. [But] I don’t know what I was struck with,” she said. “I felt it hit me. And I kept running. After they were done chasing us, I looked down and saw I was bleeding quite a lot.”</p><p data-block-key=\"ih6f4\">A picture of the wound Jedeed <a href=\"\">posted on Twitter</a> later that morning, shows her bloody leg with a small hole in it.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">I want to clarify that although I'm not sure what I was shot with, it wasn't live ammo. Maybe a rubber bullet?<br><br>Whatever it was, I'm definitely gonna have a cool scar to remind me of how Trump's private army conducts itself <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) <a href=\"\">July 18, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"c8fg1\">Jedeed said she was clearly marked as press, wearing a press badge and a neon yellow vest with the words “press” on it. However, she said she didn’t think she was specifically targeted, calling the law enforcement response “indiscriminate.”</p><p data-block-key=\"3t1ah\">Jedeed wasn’t sure what federal agency fired the projectile that struck her. The Department of Homeland Security, which coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to requests for comment.</p></div>",
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"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Laura Jedeed (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Student journalist covering Portland protests says federal agents threw a flash-bang grenade toward her",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-01-13T18:29:06.786031Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:28:56.713392Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:28:56.627506Z",
"date": "2020-07-18",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"dh5z9\">Eddy Binford-Ross, a 17-year-old student journalist, said federal agents threw a flash-bang grenade toward her on July 18, 2020, while she was covering protests in Portland, Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"nj6ys\">Binford-Ross, editor in chief at her high school student newspaper in Salem, Oregon, said flash-bang grenades landed near her on two separate occasions that night — one before midnight on July 17 and one after — but only the second one seemed targeted at her. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, which <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documents assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd, considers a targeted crowd-control incident an assault.</p><p data-block-key=\"upynr\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23. Binford-Ross is a plaintiff in the class action <a href=\"\">suit</a>, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"zv3uj\">July 17 was the first night Binford-Ross had covered the Portland protests since federal agents had been deployed to the city. The first flash-bang grenade incident occurred shortly after 10 p.m., she said.</p><p data-block-key=\"ga8rv\">Demonstrators had gathered around 7 p.m. at the Multnomah County Justice Center for a <a href=\"\">candlelight vigil</a>. Binford-Ross was outside the Justice Center when federal agents started ordering people to move. “Anyone who stepped into the street [got] shot with their crowd-control munitions,” she told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"rpomb\">Binford-Ross moved down a block, where she met two acquaintances from Salem who were livestreaming the events. They were half a block away from protesters when a federal agent threw the flash-bang grenade over the wall near her. “There wasn’t any warning or was like 10 feet away from was a blinding shock,” Binford-Ross said, adding she was temporarily deafened.</p><p data-block-key=\"6ttz1\">The second flash-bang grenade was thrown sometime after 1:30 a.m., as federal agents were advancing on protesters in Chapman Square. Binford-Ross was standing off to the side away from the protesters, she said, wearing press identification around her neck and carrying a large camera.</p><p data-block-key=\"hvaby\">As federal agents advanced on the crowd with guns drawn, one of them threw a flash-bang grenade towards her that exploded near her feet, stunning and deafening her again. “They shot right towards came within 10 feet of me again,” Binford-Ross said.</p><p data-block-key=\"3uhzq\">She was recording at the time, and her mother, Warren Binford, posted the <a href=\"\">video</a> on Twitter. “These are concussive devices & they targeted a child,” her mother wrote.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Our young daughter (a <a href=\"\">#studentjournalist</a>) had this <a href=\"\">#flashbang</a> shot at her by the <a href=\"\">#Feds</a> & <a href=\"\">#portland</a> police last night even though she was staying on the perimeter, wearing her press credentials & completely law abiding. These are concussive devices & they targeted a child. Shame! <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Warren Binford (@childrightsprof) <a href=\"\">July 18, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"7ux2w\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p><p data-block-key=\"m1lnn\">“It doesn't seem like something that would happen in the U.S.,” Binford-Ross said. “It felt like something you would experience in a war zone, especially when the people who are shooting the munitions towards you are unidentifiable federal agents, from undisclosed federal agencies and they’re in camo, like soldiers.”</p><p data-block-key=\"4omsn\">Binford-Ross, who covered more than 30 BLM protests in Portland and Salem for her school paper, The Clypian, over the summer, said she never planned on a career in journalism until she saw the value of reporting during this time. “It was a real lesson in perseverance and dedication and also personal safety,” said Binford-Ross, who said her tweets about the protests were used by ABC, Reuters, Yahoo News and other outlets.</p></div>",
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"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
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"assailant": "law enforcement",
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"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
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"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
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"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"student journalism"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Eddy Binford-Ross (The Clypian)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "CBS Chicago journalist reports assault by police during Columbus statue protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2021-09-30T19:51:39.917699Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:30:28.935065Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:30:28.853233Z",
"date": "2020-07-17",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Chicago",
"longitude": -87.65005,
"latitude": 41.85003,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"keeo4\">Chicago-based journalist, reporter Marissa Parra of CBS Chicago said she was assaulted by police while covering demonstrations in Grant Park on July 17, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"etzo7\">Parra was documenting the scene surrounding the park’s Christopher Columbus statue, where <a href=\"\">reports estimated</a> that at least 1,000 people had gathered, eventually attempting to topple the monument to the 15th-century explorer.</p><p data-block-key=\"vnkxe\">Removal of Columbus monuments around the country has been a<a href=\"\"> focal point</a> for many nationwide groups given the explorer’s history of colonization and violence toward Indigenous people.</p><p data-block-key=\"7rayi\">During the demonstrations in Chicago, which included a rally in support of Black and Indigenous people, police and protesters clashed. Forty-nine officers, according to the Chicago Police Department, were injured, with 18 sent to the hospital, while demonstrators filed at least 20 complaints for excessive force and other grievances with the Civilian Office of Police Accountability.</p><p data-block-key=\"b8s2w\">Marissa Parra told the Tracker in an interview that she showed up at the park just before 8 p.m. She said she saw individuals gathered around the statue, that it was covered and an individual was attempting to pull it down with a rope.</p><p data-block-key=\"fl2b7\">Not long afterward, clashes between police and individuals turned violent. A video <a href=\"\">she filmed</a> shows police using batons to strike demonstrators.</p><p data-block-key=\"s908t\">She said she was filming live among the demonstrators when she was struck by a police baton. The blow knocked the phone out of her hand. Parra tweeted footage of the incident, writing: “You can see him kick it after it lands on the street. Heard a different officer say a few min later, ‘don’t touch her- she’s media.’”</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Here’s a clip of a Chicago Police Officer using his baton to swat my phone out of my hand while I was doing a live hit<br><br>You can see him kick it after it lands on the street. <br><br>Heard a different officer say a few min later, “don’t touch her- she’s media”<a href=\"\">@cbschicago</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Marissa Parra (@MarParNews) <a href=\"\">July 18, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"zdx97\">“It feels like it was … very intentional … I had my press badge around my neck ... he didn’t try to tell me to move or push me out of the way of anything. He hit my phone ... and then the fact that he kicked it across the ground ... that to me says everything. That was a show of force,” she told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"37f1i\">Parra filed a complaint with COPA as well and has yet to hear back. The office didn’t respond to a request for comment from the Tracker as of press time.</p><p data-block-key=\"2ponm\">“Honestly, the only next step is to just keep doing what I was doing before, with more passion than before,” Parra said.</p><p data-block-key=\"ejwx0\">Later that evening, Parra was assaulted by an individual who attempted to take her phone to prevent her from filming, an incident the Tracker has documented here.</p><p data-block-key=\"bmt5n\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists being assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or having their equipment damaged while covering protests across the country. Find <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">these incidents here</a>.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
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"actor": null,
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
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"third_party_business": null,
"legal_order_venue": null,
"status_of_prior_restraint": null,
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"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
"equipment_broken": [],
"state": {
"name": "Illinois",
"abbreviation": "IL"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Marissa Parra (WBBM-TV)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []
"title": "Portland journalist says federal agents shot projectiles at him during protests",
"url": "",
"first_published_at": "2020-11-11T16:50:00.655676Z",
"last_published_at": "2024-06-13T17:29:29.548387Z",
"latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-13T17:29:29.464094Z",
"date": "2020-07-17",
"exact_date_unknown": false,
"city": "Portland",
"longitude": -122.67621,
"latitude": 45.52345,
"body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"uh8w0\">Independent journalist Garrison Davis said federal law enforcement officers shot crowd-control munitions at him on two different occasions on July 17, 2020, while he was covering protests outside a federal building in downtown Portland, Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"qzln8\">The Portland-based journalist was covering one of the many protests that had broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"88zj2\">The Portland protests, held nightly since late May, had <a href=\"\">grown more intense</a> as the presence of federal law enforcement increased in early July. A temporary restraining order on July 2 that barred the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists wasn’t <a href=\"\">expanded to include federal agents</a> until July 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"ic693\">In the early hours of July 17, Davis was filming federal agents returning to the building, which houses the local offices of the Internal Revenue Service and other federal departments. “They just started shooting at the press with mainly pepper bullets because we could see them breaking on the fence,” Davis told the Tracker, referring to the fence that was in place to prevent protesters from entering the closed city parks.</p><p data-block-key=\"9j8qm\">At 1:07 a.m., Davis <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> a video showing officers shooting pepper balls towards him and other journalists from across the intersection of Southwest Madison Street and Southwest Third Avenue. “DHS shooting at press. There were no protesters behind me. I have press on my helmet and am holding out my press pass,” he wrote in the post. Davis told the Tracker that none of the pepper balls made direct contact with him, but landed around him.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">DHS shooting at press. There were no protesters behind me. I have press on my helmet and am holding out my press pass. <a href=\"\">#Teargas</a> <a href=\"\">#blacklivesmatter</a> <a href=\"\">#protest</a> <a href=\"\">#pdx</a> <a href=\"\">#portland</a> <a href=\"\">#oregon</a> <a href=\"\">#blm</a> <a href=\"\">#acab</a> <a href=\"\">#PortlandProtest</a> <a href=\"\">#justicecenter</a> <a href=\"\">#riotribs</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie) <a href=\"\">July 17, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"cever\">Later, when Davis returned to the same area to cover that evening’s protests, federal agents staged at the federal building fired on the crowd. A pepper grenade hit his hand and the iPhone he was using as a camera, he told the Tracker. One of his fingers was bloodied, and he was coated in pepper dust, as Davis documented in a video he <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> at 10:17 p.m.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">I am alright, just covered in some type of dust and my hand is sore. <a href=\"\">#blacklivesmatter</a> <a href=\"\">#protest</a> <a href=\"\">#pdx</a> <a href=\"\">#portland</a> <a href=\"\">#oregon</a> <a href=\"\">#blm</a> <a href=\"\">#acab</a> <a href=\"\">#PortlandProtest</a> <a href=\"\">#PDXprotest</a> <a href=\"\">#justicecenter</a> <a href=\"\">#Feds</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>— Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie) <a href=\"\">July 18, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"a4lnn\">Davis said his phone was covered in pepper dust, which became activated when his hands got sweaty. “So that was awful and I had to get medical care because it was really bad,” he said. “It took multiple days to wash off all the pepper dust.”</p><p data-block-key=\"b3uq6\">Given the size of the crowd, Davis doesn’t believe he was targeted as press in that instance. A member of the <a href=\"\">Portland Press Corps</a> that uses the group’s Twitter handle @45thabsurdist was also affected by the grenade and <a href=\"\">posted</a> footage of when it hit.</p><p data-block-key=\"be05k\">“It was an explosion that covered<a href=\"\"> @hungrybowtie</a> and me with a powder that is fine until it contacted sweat or water which is when it started burning. Stay away from those,” wrote @45thabsurdist in a follow-up <a href=\"\">tweet</a>, referring to Davis’ Twitter handle.</p><p data-block-key=\"lnmlr\">The Department of Homeland Security, which has coordinated the federal presence in Portland, didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>",
"introduction": "",
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"arresting_authority": null,
"arrest_status": null,
"release_date": null,
"detention_date": null,
"unnecessary_use_of_force": false,
"case_number": null,
"case_type": null,
"status_of_seized_equipment": null,
"is_search_warrant_obtained": false,
"actor": null,
"border_point": null,
"target_us_citizenship_status": null,
"denial_of_entry": false,
"stopped_previously": false,
"did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null,
"did_authorities_ask_about_work": null,
"assailant": "law enforcement",
"was_journalist_targeted": "yes",
"charged_under_espionage_act": false,
"subpoena_type": null,
"name_of_business": null,
"third_party_business": null,
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"links": [],
"equipment_seized": [],
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"state": {
"name": "Oregon",
"abbreviation": "OR"
"updates": [],
"case_statuses": [],
"workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [],
"target_nationality": [],
"targeted_institutions": [],
"tags": [
"Black Lives Matter",
"chemical irritant",
"shot / shot at"
"politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [],
"authors": [],
"categories": [
"targeted_journalists": [
"Garrison Davis (Freelance)"
"subpoena_statuses": [],
"type_of_denial": []