U.S. Press Freedom Tracker

Incident Database

2,005 incidents recorded

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Incident Details
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Incident Details

Updated On
September 17, 2021
Date of Incident
January 20, 2017
Case number
Case Status
Type of case
Class Action

Arrest/Criminal Charge

Arrest Status →
Arrested and released
Arresting Authority →
Metropolitan Police Department
Charges →
  • Rioting
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • Feb. 21, 2017: Charges dropped
Unnecessary use of force? →
Equipment Seized →
Status of Seized Equipment →
Returned in full
Search Warrant Obtained →

Incident Details

Date of Incident
January 20, 2017

Arrest/Criminal Charge

Arrest Status →
Arrested and released
Arresting Authority →
Metropolitan Police Department
Charges →
  • Rioting
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • Feb. 21, 2017: Charges dropped
Unnecessary use of force? →
Status of Seized Equipment →
Returned in part
Search Warrant Obtained →

Incident Details

Updated On
April 25, 2023
Date of Incident
January 20, 2017
Case number
Case Status
Type of case

Arrest/Criminal Charge

Arrest Status →
Arrested and released
Arresting Authority →
Metropolitan Police Department
Charges →
  • Destruction of property
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 21, 2017: Acquitted
  • Destruction of property
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 21, 2017: Acquitted
  • Destruction of property
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 21, 2017: Acquitted
  • Destruction of property
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 21, 2017: Acquitted
  • Rioting
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 1, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 21, 2017: Acquitted
  • Rioting: conspiracy to riot
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 1, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 21, 2017: Acquitted
  • Rioting: inciting a riot
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 13, 2017: Charges dropped
  • Destruction of property
    • Jan. 20, 2017: Charges pending
    • April 27, 2017: Charges pending
    • Dec. 21, 2017: Acquitted
Unnecessary use of force? →
Status of Seized Equipment →
Returned in full
Search Warrant Obtained →

Incident Details

Updated On
April 26, 2021
Date of Incident
January 20, 2017
Case number
Case Status
Type of case
Class Action

Arrest/Criminal Charge

Arrest Status →
Arrested and released
Arresting Authority →
Metropolitan Police Department
Charges →
  • Rioting
    • Jan. 21, 2017: Charges pending
    • Feb. 1, 2017: Charges dropped
Release Date →
Unnecessary use of force? →


Assailant →
Law enforcement
Was the journalist targeted? →