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[ { "title": "Journalist shoved by police officers while covering Portland protests", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-03-22T18:29:37.111775Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:34:20.471458Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:34:20.387516Z", "date": "2020-08-15", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"hhnzu\">Independent journalist Alissa Azar said she was shoved multiple times by police officers while covering protests in Portland, Oregon, on Aug. 15, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"6h2ui\">Azar told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker that Portland police officers were “being super aggressive with members of the press” that night. She posted a <a href=\"\">tweet</a>, alongside a video of officers repeatedly calling “Move!” and pressuring people to walk in one direction; Azar called the confrontation “terrifying.”</p><p data-block-key=\"5zq2y\">“People almost fell off the railing from how hard the cops were pushing. We were not even next to the protesters,” she told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"r1e8z\">Azar said officers pushed her several times, including pushing her into a car at one point.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\"><a href=\"\">@PDocumentarians</a> got maced and they wouldn’t let us get to him to help. I just got pushed into a car</p>&mdash; alissa azar (@AlissaAzar) <a href=\"\">August 15, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"rzmqm\">“I’m still shaken. I honestly was afraid for everyone’s safety,” Azar said.</p><p data-block-key=\"bue1f\">She said she had been wearing a vest and helmet, both labelled with press markings, as well as a credential from Pacific Northwest Press Corps, which describes itself as an association of independent journalists covering ongoing protests in Portland and other parts of the Pacific Northwest.</p><p data-block-key=\"0aivd\">Portland Police Bureau spokesman Sgt. Kevin Allen declined to comment on the incident, citing continuing litigation involving the City of Portland. Since July, 2020, law enforcement officers from the PPB and federal agencies have been barred by court rulings from arresting, harming or impeding journalists or legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"n3wgz\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Alissa Azar (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Livestreamer says his equipment damaged by law enforcement officer in Portland", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-03-19T15:24:30.712433Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:31:12.534675Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:31:12.431567Z", "date": "2020-08-15", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"91gt8\">Law enforcement damaged livestreaming equipment belonging to independent journalist Jon Ziegler while he was covering protests in Portland, Oregon, on Aug. 15, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"up4gh\">On the night of Aug. 15 and early into the morning of Aug. 16, Ziegler was covering demonstrations in northeast Portland against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Ziegler, who previously worked with the media collective Unicorn Riot, has been documenting protests for his independent livestreaming account,</p><p data-block-key=\"lgox9\">Sometime after 9 p.m., law enforcement declared the gathering a riot and forced protesters to disperse, Ziegler told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker. The journalist said he was walking behind a line of police officers and filming them as they chased protesters down the street, when he saw an officer shove a woman in front of him. In a recording of the incident posted to Twitter, the woman can be seen falling to the ground. Ziegler is then seen following the officer and asking for his badge number. The officer turns, yells “right up behind you” and lunges at Ziegler.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">As cops chased and ran protesters down the street from the police precinct, some of the cops took out their aggression on the press trailing behind<br><br>This one tried to rip my phone off my monopod but failed at the tug of war...and the livestream kept going! (but my clip is broken) <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Jon Ziegler “Reb Z” (@Rebelutionary_Z) <a href=\"\">August 17, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"5gyxt\">The officer tried to grab Ziegler’s phone, but was unsuccessful, the journalist told the Tracker. The officer pushed Ziegler’s RetiCAM smartphone tripod mount so forcefully into this chest, however, that the clamp broke and the journalist was left with a minor scrape. Ziegler said he was wearing a bulletproof vest with a fluorescent press insignia. “It was obvious from two blocks away that I was press,” he told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"32de2\">Portland Police Bureau spokesman Sgt. Kevin Allen declined to comment on the incident, citing continuing litigation involving the City of Portland. Since July 2020, law enforcement officers from the PPB and federal agencies have been <a href=\"\">barred by court rulings</a> from arresting, harming or impeding journalists or legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"2gx5p\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists being assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas, or having their equipment damaged while covering protests across the country. Find <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">these incidents here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": "law enforcement", "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [ { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "camera equipment" } ], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault", "Equipment Damage" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Jon Ziegler (" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Independent journalist repeatedly pushed by a police officer while covering a rally in Georgia", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-02-23T19:21:16.190826Z", "last_published_at": "2022-09-21T20:36:58.736684Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2022-09-21T20:36:58.671206Z", "date": "2020-08-15", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Stone Mountain", "longitude": -84.1702, "latitude": 33.80816, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"7naxt\">Atlanta-based independent journalist Anissa Matlock was repeatedly pushed by a police officer while reporting during a rally in Stone Mountain, a city in the Atlanta suburbs, on Aug. 15, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"os3ou\">Stone Mountain’s <a href=\"\">nine-story high depiction</a> of Confederate leaders, carved into the mountain that gives the city its name, is considered a shrine for white supremacists. On Aug. 15 several <a href=\"\">far-right and white supremacist groups arrived in Stone Mountain</a> to protest against a movement calling for removal of the monument.</p><p data-block-key=\"e6riy\">Those groups were met by counterprotesters carrying signs in support of racial justice and Black Lives Matter. After a few hours officers in riot gear intervened to stop <a href=\"\">the altercations</a> between members from the opposite groups.</p><p data-block-key=\"iwg33\">According to Matlock, an officer who was part of a law enforcement line dispersing the crowd aggressively confronted her, pushing his riot shield against the front of her body, as she walked backwards.</p><p data-block-key=\"e055z\">“We were asked to disperse, to move back, so I started moving back but I had my camera on the police line in front of me,” Matlock told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker. She said that the officer who confronted her took several strides ahead of the line in her direction. “He broke the line to get closer to me as I was moving back and then leaned the shield against my gas mask, my head and began to push forward,” she said.</p><p data-block-key=\"113w2\">Matlock <a href=\"\">video recorded the confrontation and tweeted it that night</a>. The video shows Matlock, who was wearing her press credentials and a gas mask, being pushed back while complying with the officer’s order to move. “I have press credentials sir,” she can be heard saying as the officer forces her back, pressing his shield against her. “I’m moving, I’m complying,” she says.</p><p data-block-key=\"hzwsh\">Matlock, who posts her videos of Black Lives Matter protests on her social media channels, believes that she was targeted because she was pointing her camera on the officer’s face. “I feel that because I was zooming, he tried to get me out of the way,” she explained.</p><p data-block-key=\"pgvmn\">Matlock said she did not file a complaint about the incident. The Stone Mountain Police Department and the DeKalb County Police Department did not return requests for comment.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Georgia", "abbreviation": "GA" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest", "white nationalism" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Anissa Matlock (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": null }, { "title": "Police strike journalist with baton at Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-11-22T16:28:00.355139Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:35:08.824210Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:35:08.721726Z", "date": "2020-08-14", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"cnois\">Independent photojournalist Sean Bascom said he was hit by police during a protest in Portland, Oregon, on the night of Aug. 14, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"j0b0y\">Portland had experienced regular protests since the May 25 police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. On the evening of Aug. 14, protesters gathered in North Portland&#x27;s Peninsula Park and began marching. According to<a href=\"\"> The Oregonian</a>, their intended destination was believed to be the Portland police union headquarters.</p><p data-block-key=\"ahmql\">Just before 10:30 p.m., Bascom was filming at the intersection of Killingsworth Street and North Mississippi Avenue as Portland police officers charged a line of shield-bearing protesters and began pushing protesters and members of the media down the street.</p><p data-block-key=\"8zrd2\">Over a loudspeaker, police can be heard declaring an unlawful assembly, saying that “paint bombs and other projectiles” had been thrown at officers. They also can be heard addressing the press and legal-rights observers, saying that they would adhere to a temporary restraining order and allow them to do their jobs so long as they moved off the roadway and didn’t interfere with officers.</p><p data-block-key=\"s4ny3\">In July, <a href=\"\">a U.S. district judge issued a temporary restraining order</a> barring police in Portland from using physical force against, dispersing, arresting or threatening to arrest journalists and legal-rights observers.</p><p data-block-key=\"zrn6w\">In a video Bascom shared with the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, the journalist can be seen complying with police orders, walking on the sidewalk while continuing to film while moving north on North Mississippi Avenue.</p><p data-block-key=\"bj02g\">Meanwhile, police were making arrests in the street, “knocking people down and dragging them across the pavement” Bascom said. At one point, Bascom moved between parked cars to film a protester being thrown to the ground by police. An officer can be heard shouting: “Get out of the street now!”</p><p data-block-key=\"0aucs\">In the video, Bascom tells the officer he is a member of the press and then the camera shakes.</p><p data-block-key=\"nmacq\">“He came barreling in out of my view and just yelled “press out of the street” and then immediately hit me, it must have been with his baton, like right in my ribs,” said Bascom.</p><p data-block-key=\"xli04\">Bascom said he was wearing bright clothing and a helmet with press markings. He added he was also using a camera with a large lens and that he believed it was clear to the officer that he was a member of the press.</p><p data-block-key=\"5j9os\">He told the Tracker he felt sore for about a month, experiencing pain when he breathed deeply. He didn’t get the injury checked out by a medical professional, but said it felt like he previously had bruised ribs while snowboarding and skateboarding.</p><p data-block-key=\"bgohu\">While he technically wasn’t on the sidewalk, Bascom said he wasn’t in the way of police actions and that the officer was taking advantage of a technicality.</p><p data-block-key=\"uz10q\">“I can’t be in their way because of the cars that are parked on either side of me,” he said. “The Portland police seem to have decided that when they’re clearing a street if press are on the sidewalk, then they’re fine, but as soon as they step one foot off of the sidewalk, they are totally free to use as much force as they want.”</p><p data-block-key=\"2iqj7\"><a href=\"\">In a press release regarding the Aug. 14 protest</a>, the Portland Police Bureau wrote that “several people with ‘press’ affixed to them shined flashlights in officers eyes.” A spokesperson for the PPB told the Tracker they were unable to comment on the incidents due to ongoing litigation.</p><p data-block-key=\"jcd6e\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Sean Bascom (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Police shove journalist during Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-10-08T15:20:50.087639Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:36:18.193957Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:36:18.107823Z", "date": "2020-08-14", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"xzxuu\">Independent journalist Brian Conley said he was shoved by police during a protest in Portland, Oregon, on the night of Aug. 14, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"6gqar\">Portland had experienced regular protests since the May 25 police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. On the evening of Aug. 14, protesters gathered in North Portland&#x27;s Peninsula Park and began marching. According to<a href=\"\"> The Oregonian</a>, their intended destination was believed to be the Portland police union headquarters.</p><p data-block-key=\"ac7vc\">Over a loudspeaker, police can be heard declaring an unlawful assembly, saying that “paint bombs and other projectiles” had been thrown at officers. They also can be heard addressing the press and legal-rights observers, saying that they would adhere to a temporary restraining order and allow them to do their jobs so long as they moved off the roadway and didn’t interfere with officers.</p><p data-block-key=\"jqzdt\">In July, <a href=\"\">a U.S. district judge issued a temporary restraining order</a> barring police in Portland from using physical force against, dispersing, arresting or threatening to arrest journalists and legal-rights observers.</p><p data-block-key=\"gf3za\">Conley said that later that night he was pushed by a Portland police officer clearing a street in North Portland.<a href=\"\"> On Twitter, he wrote</a> that he and legal-rights observers had been pushed by a police officer at 11:45 p.m. for not walking fast enough. The officer “then struck me hard enough to knock the light from my camera. There was nowhere to go because too many people were in front of us,” he added.</p><p data-block-key=\"2407t\"><a href=\"\">In a video shot by freelance journalist Justin Yau</a>, officers can be seen pushing people with batons, telling them to walk down the street faster. At one point, Conley can be seen turning around to film officers as he walks backwards using a camera with a light mounted on top of it. A voice can be heard saying “stop shining this light in my eyes” as one officer’s hand reaches out towards Conley’s camera.</p><p data-block-key=\"75z26\">“I was walking. I was not on the street. I was on the sidewalk,” Conley told the Tracker. “There was a mass of people in front of me. I really couldn’t go any faster” unless he stopped filming, he added.</p><p data-block-key=\"uiasy\">Conley said the light mounted on his camera was knocked to the ground and retrieved by another journalist. It was undamaged.</p><p data-block-key=\"39l3g\">At the time, he was wearing body armor marked “press” as well as a gas mask and a helmet. He said he had verbally identified himself as press as well, adding he believes the officer knew he was a member of the media.</p><p data-block-key=\"tw792\">“He was already kind of pushing me more than he should have been and there was nowhere for me to go,” he said. “I wasn’t a danger to him.”</p><p data-block-key=\"d9pdy\"><a href=\"\">In a press release regarding the Aug. 14 protest</a>, the Portland Police Bureau wrote that “several people with ‘press’ affixed to them shined flashlights in officers&#x27; eyes.” A spokesperson for the PPB told the Tracker they were unable to comment on the incidents due to ongoing litigation.</p><p data-block-key=\"vtxuk\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Brian Conley (Independent)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Police grabs at journalist’s phone during Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-10-08T15:20:32.598239Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-17T15:35:40.641170Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-17T15:35:40.554065Z", "date": "2020-08-14", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"dy4hn\">Garrison Davis, an independent journalist, said police attempted to grab his phone while he was filming a protest in Portland, Oregon, on the night of Aug. 14, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"evpqz\">Portland had experienced regular protests since the May 25 police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. On the evening of Aug. 14, protesters gathered in North Portland&#x27;s Peninsula Park and began marching. According to<a href=\"\"> The Oregonian</a>, their intended destination was believed to be the Portland police union headquarters.</p><p data-block-key=\"iet3r\">Over a loudspeaker, police can be heard declaring an unlawful assembly, saying that “paint bombs and other projectiles” had been thrown at officers. They also can be heard addressing the press and legal-rights observers, saying that they would adhere to a temporary restraining order and allow them to do their jobs so long as they moved off the roadway and didn’t interfere with officers.</p><p data-block-key=\"yrkfp\">In July, <a href=\"\">a U.S. district judge issued a temporary restraining order</a> barring police in Portland from using physical force against, dispersing, arresting or threatening to arrest journalists and legal-rights observers.</p><p data-block-key=\"ksvdg\">That night, an officer tried to grab Davis&#x27; phone away from him as he recorded, the freelance videographer said.</p><p data-block-key=\"4cvlq\"><a href=\"\">In a video filmed sometime before midnight</a>, a Portland police officer can be seen approaching Davis, telling him to “back off away from our van” and then moving his hand toward the journalist’s phone in an action Davis said was an attempt to grab the device. Davis repeatedly told the officer he was on the sidewalk and not in their way. He had previously shouted at officers telling him to move that he was with the press.</p><p data-block-key=\"c8zwf\">“Portland Police continuing to blatantly ignore the federal restraining order. An officer comes off of the riot van, approaches me, and grabs my phone”<a href=\"\"> Davis tweeted.</a></p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Portland Police continuing to blatantly ignore the federal restraining order. An officer comes off of the riot van, approaches me, and grabs my phone. <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#blacklivesmatter</a>  <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#protest</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#pdx</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#Portland</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#Oregon</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#BLM</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#acab</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#PortlandProtests</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#PDXprotests</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#PortlandStrong</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie) <a href=\"\">August 15, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"ka5l6\">Davis told the Tracker he felt that he and other journalists had been targeted that night.</p><p data-block-key=\"4fldu\">“At this point I think they were mad at press because the reason why they keep getting in trouble is because the press is thoroughly documenting their crimes,” he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"4ppo4\"><a href=\"\">In a press release regarding the Aug. 14 protest</a>, the Portland Police Bureau wrote that “several people with ‘press’ affixed to them shined flashlights in officers eyes.” A spokesperson for the PPB told the Tracker they were unable to comment on the incidents due to ongoing litigation.</p><p data-block-key=\"s5e1s\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documents journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or who had their equipment damaged in the course of reporting. Find all incidents related to Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality protests <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Garrison Davis (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Journalist arrested, cameras seized while covering protests in Washington, D.C.", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-11-23T17:09:49.866610Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:32:19.454019Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:32:19.329486Z", "date": "2020-08-13", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Washington", "longitude": -77.03637, "latitude": 38.89511, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"zr8ap\">Freelance journalist Kian Kelley-Chung was arrested while covering protests in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 13, 2020, and held overnight in jail. Although police dropped felony riot charges against him, the journalist’s two cameras and cellphone were seized by law enforcement officers and were not returned for over two months, Kelley-Chung told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"wkcqr\">On the evening of Aug. 13 and into the morning of Aug. 14, protesters demonstrating against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement marched through the neighborhood of Adams Morgan, according to <a href=\"\">local news reports</a>. Protesters said they were surrounded and corralled on 18th Street NW, between Florida Avenue and Willard Street, by police officers who then began arresting people in the crowd, according to news reports. In a <a href=\"\">statement</a>, the Metropolitan Police Department said that officers arrested 41 people on charges of “Felony Riot Acts and Assault on a Police Officer offenses” and alleged that protesters had also been involved in acts of arson and destruction of property.</p><p data-block-key=\"25hlw\">Kelley-Chung, who has been <a href=\"\">covering</a> Black Lives Matter protests for several months as an independent <a href=\"\">photographer</a> and filmmaker, was among those arrested and charged with felony rioting, according to <a href=\"\">police records</a>. The journalist <a href=\"\">told public radio station WAMU/DCist</a> that he was arrested while trying to photograph the aftermath of an altercation between police and a protester. Kelley-Chung said his camera was clearly visible and that he told officers he was documenting the protests as a journalist, according to <a href=\"\">television network WUSA 9</a>. “I just remember asking constantly, ‘Why am I being arrested? Why am I being arrested?...I’ve been here for months...You’ve seen my work,’ ” he was quoted as saying. Kelley-Chung <a href=\"\">told WAMU/DCist</a> that he was taken into custody and held at the 7th District police precinct overnight and then detained at Superior Court before being released on the evening of Aug. 14, when the charges were dropped.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">“What am I out here doing ‘rioting’. I’m a documentarian. I’m a photo journalist. I’m a member of the media. And they violated my 1st Ammend. rights. And that’s why we’re out here. That’s why they had to let me go”<br><br>My media colleague Kian <a href=\"\">@uncleiso</a> after release at <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#DCProtests</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) <a href=\"\">August 14, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"p3owj\">In a brief video interview posted to twitter by Deadspin journalist Chuck Modi the day after his release, Kelley-Chung said, “they thought they could stop me, they can’t stop me. I’m going to continue to be out here.” But the journalist said he was using his father’s camera because the two cameras he had been using, in addition to his cellphone, were still in police custody.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Kian in action. Despite being fellow journalist, he is one of 41 arrested Thurs. Didn’t know til now, police have not given him back his camera or phone yet (which explains arrest). <br><br>He is back out w/father’s camera. Would be nice if corporate media showed solidarity <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#DCProtests</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) <a href=\"\">August 16, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">I just did the math and MPD confiscated over $3000 worth of equipment. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated and shown support. Please keep sharing. I still don&#39;t have my stuff. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; kian (@uncleiso) <a href=\"\">August 16, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">DC Police still have Kian’s cameras they seized in illegal kettle arrests 10 days ago. He is press. He shares story of deep “sentimental value” of them <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#DCProtests</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) <a href=\"\">August 23, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"kqyk2\">Seven weeks later, in a letter dated Oct. 6 that Kelley-Chung shared with the Tracker, Acting United States Attorney Michael R. Sherwin wrote that the MPD, in conjunction with the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, was conducting an investigation into the events in Adams Morgan on Aug. 13-14 and that they believed that the journalist’s cameras “may contain information relevant to the investigation. We are writing to inquire whether you would voluntarily turn over data in the above-described cameras or produce such information voluntarily in response to a subpoena.”</p><p data-block-key=\"iv2bv\">After objections from Kelley-Chung’s lawyer, Sherwin wrote the journalist in another letter, dated Oct. 22, that his “Office has indicated to MPD that we have no objection to its disposition of Mr. Kelley-Chung’s property,” but that, “we are formally requesting the preservation, pending potential legal process and until further written notice, of all photographs, videos, audio recordings, and other evidence, created or captured on August 13-14, 2020.” However, the letter concluded, “this request does not obligate Mr. Kelley-Chung to produce any materials to the government at this time.&quot; Kelley-Chung told the Tracker that his possessions were released to him the following day, Oct. 23.</p><p data-block-key=\"r13td\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or had their equipment damaged while covering protests across the country. Find <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">these incidents here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": "Metropolitan Police Department", "arrest_status": "arrested and released", "release_date": "2020-08-14", "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": "1:21-cv-00116", "case_type": "CIVIL", "status_of_seized_equipment": "returned in full", "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": "law enforcement", "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": null, "was_journalist_targeted": null, "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [ { "quantity": 2, "equipment": "camera" }, { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "cellphone" } ], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "District of Columbia", "abbreviation": "DC" }, "updates": [ "(2021-04-14 10:32:00+00:00) Settlement reached in suit brought by freelance journalist who was arrested, his cameras seized while covering protests in DC" ], "case_statuses": [ "settled" ], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "kettle", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Arrest/Criminal Charge", "Equipment Search or Seizure" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Kian Kelley-Chung (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Memphis newspaper subpoenaed for photos, videos from July protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-02-05T15:44:02.363569Z", "last_published_at": "2021-05-17T20:19:21.813317Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2021-05-17T20:19:21.774065Z", "date": "2020-08-13", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Memphis", "longitude": -90.04898, "latitude": 35.14953, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p>On Aug. 13, 2020, a judge granted a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation request for a subpoena of the Commercial Appeal for photographs and videos taken by the Memphis daily during its coverage of a protest on July 4, 2020. A gag order was also put into effect.</p><p>The protest took place outside the home of Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich amid a monthslong surge of demonstrations across the country, sparked by the May death of George Floyd, a Black man, while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota.</p><p>On July 4, protesters had gathered outside Weirich’s house, calling for her firing, launching fireworks and burning American flags near her property line, the Commercial Appeal <a href=\"\">reported</a>.</p><p>Shortly thereafter, according to the paper, the Memphis Police Department requested that the Commercial Appeal turn over images from its coverage for use in the department’s investigation of the day’s events. The paper did not comply with the request. The following month, the TBI filed a subpoena for the videos and photographs.</p><p>The paper reported that it filed a motion to quash the subpoena on Aug. 19, arguing that the state shield law and state precedent protected the images as part of journalistic work product.</p><p>“Enforcement of the subpoena in this case would discredit movants as disinterested gatherers of information, would violate their rights under the cited statutory and constitutional provisions, and would have an intimidating effect on them in the reporting of events observed and investigated by them in their capacity as journalists,&quot; Lucian Pera, an attorney for the Commercial Appeal, told the paper.</p><p>On Aug. 20, attorneys from the state attorney general’s office, representing the TBI, agreed to drop the subpoena and the gag order was lifted.</p><p>Neither the TBI nor the Commercial Appeal responded to emails requesting comment.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": null, "was_journalist_targeted": null, "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": "journalist communications or work product", "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": "State", "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Tennessee", "abbreviation": "TN" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": null, "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [ "Commercial Appeal" ], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Subpoena/Legal Order" ], "targeted_journalists": [], "subpoena_statuses": [ "dropped" ], "type_of_denial": null }, { "title": "Journalist detained while covering DC protests", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-11-30T21:57:01.360448Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:32:33.298267Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:32:33.217567Z", "date": "2020-08-13", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Washington", "longitude": -77.03637, "latitude": 38.89511, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"1tndj\">Freelance journalist Andrew Jasiura was detained and held for two hours by law enforcement while covering protests in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 13, 2020. Jasiura was released without charges after a Metropolitan Police Department lieutenant recognized him, the journalist told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"e2dw0\">On the evening of Aug. 13 and into the morning of Aug. 14, protesters demonstrating against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement marched through the neighborhood of Adams Morgan, according to <a href=\"\">local news reports</a>. Protesters were surrounded and corralled on 18th Street NW, between Florida Avenue and Willard Street, by police officers who then began arresting people in the crowd, according to news reports. In a <a href=\"\">statement</a>, the Metropolitan Police Department said that officers arrested 41 people on charges of “Felony Riot Acts and Assault on a Police Officer offenses” and alleged that protesters had also been involved in acts of arson and destruction of property.</p><p data-block-key=\"h6mjb\">Jasiura, who has been covering Black Lives Matter protests for several months as an independent <a href=\"\">photographer and filmmaker,</a> was among those detained. Jasiura told the Tracker that he repeatedly told police officers he was a member of the press and showed them his press credential, but they ignored him. He said he also received no answer when he asked repeatedly if he was being detained or arrested, but when he asked if he could leave, he was told no. After about two hours, Jasiura said police officers began taking people one by one into custody, <a href=\"\">including his colleague</a> Kian Kelley-Chung, and driving them away to jail. The Tracker has documented <a href=\"\">Kelley-Chung’s arrest here</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"k2k1d\">Jasiura said he was told to put his hands behind his back, and an officer was putting zip ties around his wrists, when another officer recognized him. That officer “knew I was press, and I had my press credentials, so he let me go,” Jasiura told the Tracker. The officers returned Jasiura’s possessions to him and <a href=\"\">released him without charge</a> in the early hours of Aug. 14.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">BREAKING: Cops have arrested dozens of the activists they illegally kettled at 18th and S St, including press &amp; medics. They finally released one person--journalist <a href=\"\">@PhotoJazzy</a>--who explained what happened and how they took his colleague <a href=\"\">@uncleiso</a>. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Wyatt Reed (@wyattreed13) <a href=\"\">August 14, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"und\" dir=\"ltr\"><a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#FreeKian</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#FreeIso</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; DrewJazzyPhoto (@PhotoJazzy) <a href=\"\">August 14, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"gvc3k\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or had their equipment damaged while covering protests across the country. Find <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">these incidents here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": "Metropolitan Police Department", "arrest_status": "detained and released without being processed", "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": null, "was_journalist_targeted": null, "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "District of Columbia", "abbreviation": "DC" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "kettle", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Arrest/Criminal Charge" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Andrew Jasiura (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Independent photojournalist says was pushed to the ground by Portland police", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-11-13T22:04:17.466034Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:32:51.860146Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:32:51.783430Z", "date": "2020-08-11", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"7h7r1\">Independent photojournalist Maranie Staab was pushed to the ground by Portland police while covering protests in downtown Portland on Aug. 11, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"kf4oh\">Staab, whose photos of the 2020 protests in Portland have been published by <a href=\"\">Reuters</a>, <a href=\"\">The New Yorker</a> and <a href=\"\">Agence France-Presse</a>, told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker that she was documenting a protest in downtown Portland, where demonstrators had been gathering nightly in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a Black man, in Minneapolis.</p><p data-block-key=\"1z5f8\">At 1:40 a.m. on Aug. 11, Staab said she was at the Portland Police Bureau’s North Precinct station, covering what she said was an arrest of a woman leaving the protest area. Shortly before midnight, Portland Police <a href=\"\">declared an unlawful assembly</a> at the North Precinct area and <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> that people should leave or be subject to arrest, citation or crowd-control actions. In a<a href=\"\"> video</a> Staab shared on Twitter, officers can be seen running across the street, surrounding a car and yelling at individuals to “get out of the road.”</p><p data-block-key=\"am1ge\">About 15 seconds in from a <a href=\"\">video</a> shared by independent journalist Anissa Matlock, Staab turns to walk away from the scene and is pushed from behind by a police officer. With a camera in her right hand and a phone on a stabilizing device for recording in her left, she falls face forward onto a bush, then turns over to continue documenting the scene. In the video Staab can be heard saying, “I’m a member of the press and you just threw me to the ground.”</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Last nite I was again assaultd by <a href=\"\">@PortlandPolice</a> <br><br>This is my perspective &amp; the next video is by <a href=\"\">@matlockartist</a><br><br>I was identifid as Press &amp; filmng as they slashd a protesters tires. I was in no way interfering. <br><br>This was2AM. The later it gets there&#39;s less Press &amp; more impunity <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Maranie R. Staab (@MaranieRae) <a href=\"\">August 12, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"hllf5\">At the time, a<a href=\"\"> preliminary injunction</a> issued by a U.S. District Court judge barred Portland police officers from harming, arresting or impeding journalists.</p><p data-block-key=\"4cn73\">Staab said the same officer who pushed her during the Aug. 11 protest had assaulted her more than five times. “I was wearing a big blue vest with white writing and there’s no mistaking me that I’m press,” Staab told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"9sm5c\">The Portland Police Bureau has said they wouldn&#x27;t comment on incidents involving journalists covering the protests, citing continuing litigation.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "unknown", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Maranie Staab (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Washington Post journalist chased by looters in Chicago", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-08-26T20:41:38.384961Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:03.508121Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:03.429517Z", "date": "2020-08-10", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Chicago", "longitude": -87.65005, "latitude": 41.85003, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"6i5ke\">A journalist was chased by unknown individuals while covering unrest in Chicago on Aug. 10, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"fav1b\">Protests against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Movement have been held across the country after a viral video showed a white police officer kneeling on the neck of George Floyd, a Black man, during an arrest in Minneapolis, on May 25. Floyd was pronounced dead at a local hospital.</p><p data-block-key=\"4ixkf\">Mark Guarino, the Chicago correspondent for The Washington Post, went downtown in the early hours of Aug. 10 to report on widespread looting and destruction of property, he told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker. “All of this looting has definitely turned a lot uglier,” Guarino said.</p><p data-block-key=\"pwda3\">The journalist differentiated the atmosphere on the night of the incident from the previous months of civil unrest. “It was definitely not really about any protests for equity or anything like that,” Guarino said. “It was really criminals.”</p><p data-block-key=\"gb2s2\">At around 2:30 a.m., Guarino observed about a dozen unidentified individuals vandalizing and breaking into a convenience store at Rush and Illinois streets, he told the Tracker. The journalist was the only member of the press on the scene, he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"hkin6\">A few of the looters saw Guarino taking photographs on his phone from across the street and told him to stop taking pictures, he said. Guarino, who was wearing press badges around his neck, said he told them he was a journalist and not a police officer. Four men left the group to approach him, at which point Guarino turned and started walking away. When he saw that the men were continuing to follow him, he started running and the four men began chasing after him, Guarino told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"lexa0\">After running for more than a block Guarino reached an area where police officers were guarding buildings from damage. The men stopped pursuing him and left, the journalist said.</p><p data-block-key=\"xwml8\">“They were going to beat me up, no doubt about it,” Guarino said. “It was pretty scary.”</p><p data-block-key=\"gdk86\">“Since June I’ve been covering the protests as well as other looting incidents, and I never thought about my safety,” he said. “This was the first time I felt things were pretty dangerous,” Guarino said. “This week was definitely different.”</p><p data-block-key=\"v9zn4\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or had their equipment damaged while covering protests across the country. Find <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">these incidents here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "private individual", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Illinois", "abbreviation": "IL" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Mark Guarino (The Washington Post)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Broadcast cameraman robbed at gunpoint in Berkeley", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-03-12T14:54:54.945842Z", "last_published_at": "2023-12-08T19:34:12.028965Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2023-12-08T19:34:11.799028Z", "date": "2020-08-10", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Berkeley", "longitude": -122.27275, "latitude": 37.87159, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"jr87h\">According to a local news report, an unidentified broadcast cameraman was robbed at gunpoint while loading gear into a news vehicle in Berkeley, California, on Aug. 10, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"aox6v\">CBS affiliate KPIX 5 <a href=\"\">reported</a> that the incident took place outside Congregation Netivot Shalom. In security camera <a href=\"\">footage</a> time-stamped 5:01 p.m. and published by KPIX, an individual can be seen approaching the journalist as he loads a camera into a news vehicle. After the individual draws a gun and points it at the journalist, the journalist attempts to hand the camera off before placing it on the ground. The individual then picks it up and runs away.</p><p data-block-key=\"plnn3\">According to KPIX, the camera was valued at $25,000. The Tracker was unable to verify the identity of the journalist or station.</p><p data-block-key=\"icxir\">On Sept. 10, Berkeley police arrested a man identified as Jimmy Ray, having found items in his home that connected him to the robbery, according to a <a href=\"\">department news release</a>. It is unclear whether the camera itself was found and, if so, in what condition it was in.</p><p data-block-key=\"fowis\">According to the news release, Ray was charged the following day on several counts, including robbery.</p><p data-block-key=\"pixtb\">When contacted for comment, the Berkeley Police Department was unable to provide further details about the condition of the camera or the cameraman&#x27;s identity.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": "private individual", "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "private individual", "was_journalist_targeted": "unknown", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [ { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "camera" } ], "state": { "name": "California", "abbreviation": "CA" }, "updates": [ "(2020-10-26 00:00:00+00:00) Gunman who robbed camera operator sentenced to jail, probation" ], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "robbery" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault", "Equipment Damage" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Unidentified photojournalist 7" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Journalist struck with baton by sheriff’s deputies at Portland, Oregon, protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2024-03-06T14:50:44.655814Z", "last_published_at": "2024-04-11T14:57:38.272684Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-04-11T14:57:38.174612Z", "date": "2020-08-09", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"9ygxb\">Independent journalist Melissa “Claudio” Lewis was shoved and struck in the ribs with a baton by sheriff’s deputies in Portland, Oregon, while documenting a Black Lives Matter protest on Aug. 9, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"1vgpr\">The protest was one of the many that broke out across the U.S. that year in response to police violence and in support of the BLM movement following the murder of George Floyd. <a href=\";date_upper=2020-12-31&amp;tags=Black+Lives+Matter%2Cprotest\">As the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker has documented</a>, an unprecedented number of journalists were assaulted and arrested at these protests, including in Oregon, where the ACLU later <a href=\"\">filed</a> a class-action lawsuit on behalf of journalists and legal observers who were targeted and attacked by police.</p><p data-block-key=\"1jt2i\">Lewis joined a separate civil suit on Nov. 1, 2020, charging that the City of Portland, Multnomah County, and various law enforcement officials violated the constitutional rights of people with disabilities during BLM protests that year.</p><p data-block-key=\"3cghr\">Lewis and three other Oregonians with disabilities who either documented or participated in the protests accused law enforcement of assaulting them multiple times and of generally acting without regard for their disabilities. Lewis has photosensitive epilepsy and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that increases the risk of injury and makes it difficult for her to move quickly.</p><p data-block-key=\"8lduq\">In the complaint, Lewis describes being forcibly removed by sheriff’s deputies from the area outside the Multnomah County Justice Center in downtown Portland at the Aug. 9 protest. The deputies screamed at members of the press and protesters to clear a path to the parking lot, according to the complaint, striking and pushing them with batons. Lewis says that despite complying with deputies’ directions, she was pulled by the backpack, shoved in the shoulders and struck in the ribs with a baton for not moving quickly enough, then told to stop filming.</p><p data-block-key=\"5q9og\">In October 2021, the court approved a motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ claims in the lawsuit, ruling that they had failed to prove that the city customarily violated the constitutional rights of people with disabilities when responding to protests. The plaintiffs then filed an amended complaint, which did not include Lewis.</p><p data-block-key=\"52qo6\">Lewis told the Tracker that she ultimately withdrew from the suit because of issues with her legal representation.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": "", "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "<p data-block-key=\"8bfpi\">Paint thrown at a police precinct sign during Black Lives Matter protests in Portland, Oregon, in August 2020. Journalist Melissa “Claudio” Lewis told the Tracker she was struck in the ribs with a baton by sheriff’s deputies at a protest on Aug. 9.</p>", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": "3:20-cv-01882", "case_type": "CIVIL", "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "no", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [ "withdrawn" ], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Melissa “Claudio” Lewis (Independent)" ], "subpoena_statuses": null, "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Journalist’s arm fractured by crowd-control munitions during a Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-02-26T18:14:01.991868Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-12T19:18:32.542356Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-12T19:18:32.451895Z", "date": "2020-08-09", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"eohcl\">Independent journalist Seth Dunlap said his arm was fractured after being struck with what he believed to be a flash-bang grenade tossed by a police officer while he was covering a demonstration in Portland, Oregon, in the early hours of Aug. 9, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"qk6m4\">Dunlap, a contributor to the social media news outlet <a href=\"\">FrontLine Access</a>, was covering one of the protests that had been held in Portland on almost a nightly basis since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"csiu4\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon alleges in a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a>. The ACLU suit led to the city agreeing to <a href=\"\">a preliminary injunction</a> in July to not arrest, harm or impede the work of journalists and other legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"egm0x\">Late on Aug. 8, Seattle-based Dunlap was covering a demonstration outside the Portland police union headquarters in North Portland. The Portland Police Bureau <a href=\"\">declared a riot</a> around 11:40 p.m., <a href=\"\">after a group of demonstrators</a> lit a fire inside the Portland Police Association building. The PPB and Oregon State Police used crowd-control munitions and physical force to disperse the crowd.</p><p data-block-key=\"436sv\">Just after midnight, Dunlap was standing near ACLU legal observers when what he described as a flash-bang grenade was thrown in his direction by a PPB officer, injuring his arm, he told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"k67uf\">“Luckily I had my left arm up recording at the time, and the flash-bang went off and hit my arm,” Dunlap said. “Otherwise it probably would have hit my face, and who knows what would have happened then.”</p><p data-block-key=\"vlb1b\">Independent journalist Suzette Smith <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> a video of the chaotic scene, writing that Dunlap was struck with a “less-lethal munition.”</p><p data-block-key=\"woz27\">“He was on the ground and unresponsive for an agonizing number of seconds, during the chaos of the rush,” Smith wrote.</p><p data-block-key=\"2hk4e\">Medics at the scene tended to Dunlap and Smith <a href=\"\">posted</a> a photo of his bruised arm.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Thank you to everybody for their incredible help during and after. Seriously, what heroes 🙏❤️🙏❤️. I’m OK. Hurting, but OK. Direct shot from a flashbang or something in the left arm. Don’t remember being out at all, so that’s extra scary. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Seth Dunlap (@sethdunlap) <a href=\"\">August 9, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"lfsyx\">Dunlap said that hours after he was struck, he “one-arm drove” home to Seattle. The next day, his arm “swelled up like a balloon.”</p><p data-block-key=\"hv2jh\">He went to an emergency room and learned that the orbital bone in his left arm was fractured, he said. “So that basically put me out of work for about a month.”</p><p data-block-key=\"iorzo\">Dunlap, who was wearing a helmet and reflective clothing with markings that identified him as a journalist, said he felt targeted as a member of the press. &quot;Considering I’m 6’7” and was wearing very visible and reflective press gear, and I was standing in a group of neon green-clad legal observers, I believe it’s pretty clear they threw that munition at us intentionally,” he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"cuxud\">PPB spokesperson Kevin Allen declined to comment on the incident in an email to the Tracker, citing the ongoing ACLU litigation.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Seth Dunlap (Independent)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Independent journalist said she was hit with projectile, shoved while reporting on Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-02-23T19:27:04.821723Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-12T19:18:14.468761Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-12T19:18:14.364402Z", "date": "2020-08-09", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"cz7b0\">Independent social media journalist Teebs Auberdine said she was hit with a projectile and pushed into a cactus by law enforcement officers while covering a protest in Portland, Oregon, in the early hours of Aug. 9, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"yg6g2\">Demonstrations had been held in Portland on almost a nightly basis since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\"> documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering BLM protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"vx0tk\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations, according to a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a> filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon. The case resulted in a temporary restraining order in July barring the Portland police from harming or impeding journalists.</p><p data-block-key=\"41j65\">Late in the evening of Aug. 8, police declared a riot in North Portland after a small group of protesters broke into the Portland Police Association, the union that represents city police officers, and set a small fire on the floor of the office, <a href=\"\">Oregon Public Broadcasting</a> reported. The Portland Police Bureau and Oregon State Police dispersed the demonstration from that area, though protests continued in the early hours of the morning in Kenton Park, about a half mile north.</p><p data-block-key=\"j3bq6\">Auberdine, who livestreams video of protests on her social media channels, said she was covering the protest in Kenton Park when she was hit with a metal projectile. While standing under a tree for shelter, she was struck in the arm with what she believes was a 40mm puck round fired by a PPB officer, she told the Tracker. The projectile ricocheted off of the tree and hit her from above, she said, adding that it didn’t cause her any injury.</p><p data-block-key=\"0eiwi\">Auberdine said other journalists were also standing near the tree at the time she was struck. She said she didn’t know whether the police had intended the projectile to hit anyone.</p><p data-block-key=\"aivut\">About 20 minutes later, she said, she was reporting near the front of a protest in the Kenton neighborhood, a few blocks from the park. Because of where she was standing, she said it was hard to move out of the way. Then a state trooper cross-checked her into a planter box in front of a restaurant or bar, she said. She broke her fall with her left arm by grabbing onto the side of the box. As she did, she said, the needles of a cactus stabbed through her sweater and into her arm.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Got shot in the arm by a canister tonight (clearly marked press) It ricocheted off a tree, so the impact didnt cause any significant injuries, but it ended a few day streak of me not getting shot :/<br><br>Also got pushed into a cactus by a state trooper. That sentence exists now...</p>&mdash; Teebs (@TeebsGaming) <a href=\"\">August 9, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"fe165\">She said she pulled most of the needles out a short time later when the confrontation calmed down, but she wasn’t able to remove all of them until she went home.</p><p data-block-key=\"4f8sd\">Auberdine wore a black bullet resistant vest with the word “press” on the front and back in large white letters, she said, and also carried recording equipment, including a microphone.</p><p data-block-key=\"niimg\">“While I bet they would have shoved anyone in arms reach into that planter box, they 100 percent knew what they were doing,” Auberdine told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"0t6cy\">In response to an email inquiry, a spokesperson for the OSP didn’t specifically address the incident, but said that concerns about excessive use of force could be reported to the state police Office of Professional Standards.</p><p data-block-key=\"4d45b\">When reached by email, PPB spokesperson Greg Pashley told the Tracker that he didn’t have any information to release about the incident.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "unknown", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest", "shot / shot at" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Teebs Auberdine (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Photojournalist’s camera slapped away, blocked at rally against defunding Seattle Police Department", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-02-11T18:34:30.059635Z", "last_published_at": "2022-09-21T20:35:15.220906Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2022-09-21T20:35:15.158720Z", "date": "2020-08-09", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Seattle", "longitude": -122.33207, "latitude": 47.60621, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"gp1rz\">An individual attending a rally slapped away a freelance photojournalist’s camera as he photographed an Aug. 9, 2020, rally in Seattle, Washington, according to the photojournalist and <a href=\"\">a video</a> of the incident.</p><p data-block-key=\"xiplr\">Noah Riffe, 20, a student and freelance photographer, had been covering protests that began in Seattle in the wake of the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Riffe told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker that he was on assignment for Turkish news platform <a href=\"\">Anadolu Images</a> on Aug. 9, photographing a rally against the defunding of the Seattle Police Department.</p><p data-block-key=\"51naf\">The early afternoon <a href=\"\">rally outside Seattle City Hall</a> attracted city officials and pro-police demonstrators, as well as anti-police counterprotesters, some of whom were dressed in black clothing with black face coverings, a tactic known as black bloc that is used to conceal a person’s identity.</p><p data-block-key=\"ud1fh\">Riffe said that the street directly in front of City Hall had been closed and barricaded, and the counterprotesters were gathered just outside of the barricaded area. Riffe said he saw a pro-police protester leave the contained area and approach some counterprotesters, dumping a bottle of water over a flag they had been burning. Riffe followed, also leaving the contained area in front of City Hall.</p><p data-block-key=\"4qd57\">Riffe said that at that point, he was directly behind the pro-police protester who had dumped the water, following her and taking pictures of the counterprotesters pushing back on the woman.</p><p data-block-key=\"nkrfc\">One of the counterprotesters then “reached their hand out and smacked my camera and tried to knock it to the ground,” said Riffe.</p><p data-block-key=\"mvhmo\">Riffe said he then took a step back and “tried to have a conversation” and explain he was a member of the media, but that the person who hit his camera said he “didn’t care.”</p><p data-block-key=\"hydcs\">The brief altercation was captured <a href=\"\">on video</a> by Seattle reporter Jason Rantz. In the video, Riffe can be seen in a yellow shirt and holding a camera, with the woman in a bright green shirt; both are surrounded by counterprotesters. One of the individuals reaches out quickly and slaps the camera out of Riffe’s hand. Riffe catches it, and briefly yells back.</p><p data-block-key=\"1btu2\">Riffe said that his equipment was not damaged and he was not physically hurt, but that after the confrontation he left the area, as the counterprotesters kept pushing him back and out of the way as he tried to photograph.</p><p data-block-key=\"6juu1\">Riffe said that Seattle police officers, while present at the scene, did not intervene. The Seattle Police Department did not respond to a request from the Tracker for comment.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "private individual", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Washington", "abbreviation": "WA" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Blue Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Noah Riffe (Anadolu Images)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": null }, { "title": "Independent videographer says he was shoved, shot in finger by law enforcement while covering Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-01-22T14:54:11.067174Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:44.927217Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:44.841061Z", "date": "2020-08-09", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"aab7a\">Independent videographer Nicholas Lee said police officers shoved him and shot him in the finger with a crowd-control munition while he was covering a protest in Portland, Oregon, in the early morning hours of Aug. 9, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"9tfoe\">The protest was one of many that have broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"cv4rb\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations, according to a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a> filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon. The ACLU suit led to the city agreeing to <a href=\"\">a preliminary injunction</a> in July to not arrest, harm or impede the work of journalists or legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"gxwgw\">Lee was covering a <a href=\"\">demonstration</a> that began outside the Portland police union building in North Portland on the night of Aug. 8 and continued into the next morning. The police declared a <a href=\";\">riot</a> shortly before midnight, after some demonstrators lit a fire inside the Portland Police Association headquarters.</p><p data-block-key=\"cvku9\">Sometime around midnight, Lee was shoved to the ground by officers while he was on the sidewalk. “I&#x27;d been grabbed by the cops, shoved to the ground again because it seems they didn&#x27;t want a brutal arrest filmed,” he wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted.</p><p data-block-key=\"prket\">After a while, said Lee, law enforcement officers from the Portland Police Bureau and Oregon State Police fired sting-ball grenades that drove protesters in the direction of Kenton Park. Once the protesters had gathered in the park, police officers continued to fire crowd-control munitions, he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"k634c\">At around 12:25 a.m., Lee noticed a tear gas canister on the ground in the park and approached it, he said. “I remember hearing, ‘If you touch that, you’re going to get shot,’” Lee told the Tracker. Soon he felt a rubber bullet, fired by a PPB officer, hit the tip of his middle finger.</p><p data-block-key=\"xtaxj\">“It hit my finger, and there was blood everywhere,” he said. “Another photographer took me to the emergency room.”</p><p data-block-key=\"dpl9q\">The PPB has said it wouldn&#x27;t comment on incidents involving journalists covering the protests, citing continuing litigation in the ACLU case.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest", "shot / shot at" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Nicholas Lee (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Independent filmmaker pepper sprayed while covering Ferguson protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-01-15T18:47:42.055308Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:25.326727Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:25.218689Z", "date": "2020-08-09", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Ferguson", "longitude": -90.30539, "latitude": 38.74422, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"0kdjr\">Chris Phillips, an independent filmmaker, was hit in the face with pepper spray at close range while he covered a protest in Ferguson, Missouri, on Aug. 9, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"sqlg2\">The demonstration was held on the sixth anniversary of the day Michael Brown, a Black teenager, was shot and killed by police in 2014. Mass protests against police violence and racial injustice were held across the U.S. for months in 2020, fueled by the killings of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, among others.</p><p data-block-key=\"obk8k\">Phillips, a resident of the same complex where Brown lived, made a documentary, <a href=\"\">Ferguson 365</a>, about the movement that followed Brown’s killing, and has been documenting the aftermath of Brown’s killing ever since. Phillips runs the production company <a href=\"\">Maverick Media Group</a> and said his work has been published by outlets including The Associated Press and CBS.</p><p data-block-key=\"58nym\">Phillips said he arrived at the police department at night, where protesters and police had been in a standoff. However, he said, about an hour after he arrived, the atmosphere seemed relaxed. He remembered filming a scene of a woman sitting in a lawn chair in the police department parking lot, chatting with officers.</p><p data-block-key=\"8wsci\">He went to pick up a camera battery he had left charging on the opposite side of the street from the police department. As he pulled the plug from the outlet, he said he heard screaming and turned to see police rush into the crowd.</p><p data-block-key=\"dsug3\">Phillips said he grabbed his camera and started toward the confrontation to film it. His camera was still powering up, he said, and he was getting positioned to film two police officers who were throwing someone to the ground. Suddenly, he said, a different police officer fired pepper spray into his face from less than 10 feet away. Phillips said there were no protesters close to him at the time.</p><p data-block-key=\"rcm42\">“For me to get sprayed like that — that was a deliberate act,” he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"jcbbh\">Phillips said the spray was very painful and temporarily blinded him. He said he turned around and tripped, slamming his camera into the pavement.</p><p data-block-key=\"6urlg\">Protesters came to his aid and helped him to a medical station, where they tried to neutralize the impact of the spray with milk and water, he said. His eyes and face hurt for two days after he was sprayed, he said.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Thank you <a href=\"\">@MissJupiter1957</a> for capturing this. One of my eyes is still in pain this morning from the pepper spray. The police use these harsh chemicals without warning. <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#policebrutality</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#policeaccountability</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#ferguson</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#ferguson365</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Chris Phillips (@maverickmedia1) <a href=\"\">August 10, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"jtcgd\">Phillips said he heard no warning before police rushed into the crowd, or before he was sprayed. He wasn’t wearing any form of press identification, he said, but he was carrying an elaborate, professional-grade cinema camera. He said he didn’t have an opportunity to identify himself to police before he was pepper sprayed, though he is well-known as a filmmaker in Ferguson, according to<a href=\"\"> other journalists in the area</a>.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Chris Phillips of Maverick Media was pepper-sprayed. He is well-known media by everyone in Ferguson and STL. This is what journalists deal with in Ferguson since 2014.<br><br>6th Anniversary of Michael Brown Jr. murder. <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#MikeBrown</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) <a href=\"\">August 10, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"dyeu4\">Phillips said his camera rig was inoperable after the fall. The only component that still worked was the microphone. He said the RED Scarlet-W “brain” of the camera, which he purchased for $12,500, suffered significant interior and exterior damage, so he decided to replace it with a newer model, which he did with the help of an <a href=\";utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&amp;utm_medium=copy_link_more\">online fundraiser</a>. He also needed to replace a $280 Zoom H-5 audio recorder that was damaged. He said he hadn’t been in contact with police about the incident, but he was considering his legal options.</p><p data-block-key=\"wxpvb\">St. Louis County Police Department spokesperson Tracy Panus told the Tracker in an email that the agency wasn’t familiar with Phillips or aware that he was pepper sprayed. According to Panus, police directed protesters to disperse multiple times over a loudspeaker before beginning to arrest people who didn’t follow the orders.</p><p data-block-key=\"ik2hv\">“While taking several individuals into custody, St. Louis County Police Officers did deploy pepper spray in an effort to make the arrests or prevent interference by others attempting to interfere with those arrests,” Panus said.</p><p data-block-key=\"z0bvc\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists being assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas, or having their equipment damaged while covering these protests across the country. <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">Find these incidents here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": "", "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "<p data-block-key=\"09kt1\">While covering an on Aug. 9, 2020, protest in Ferguson, Missouri, filmmaker Chris Phillips was pepper-sprayed at close range by law enforcement. “For me to get sprayed like that — that was a deliberate act,” he said.</p>", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": "law enforcement", "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [ { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "camera" } ], "state": { "name": "Missouri", "abbreviation": "MO" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "chemical irritant", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault", "Equipment Damage" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Chris Phillips (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Journalist arrested while covering North Carolina protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-12-06T14:52:57.470838Z", "last_published_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:13.493191Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-10-10T19:33:13.401716Z", "date": "2020-08-09", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Asheville", "longitude": -82.55402, "latitude": 35.60095, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"zt8pt\">Police arrested freelancer Veronica Coit, who was covering protests in Asheville, North Carolina, on Aug. 9, 2020, and charged the journalist with “failure to disperse on command” and impeding the flow of traffic with a vehicle.</p><p data-block-key=\"wn0yr\">The Aug. 9 demonstration was held to protest police brutality and the death of John Elliott Neville, who died in 2019 after a medical episode led to him being restrained in handcuffs by corrections officers in a North Carolina jail. Video of Neville in custody with the corrections officers was not released until August 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"8p394\">Coit arrived at the protest around 6 p.m., the journalist wrote in an <a href=\"\">accoun</a>t on the local website The Asheville Blade. According to a published <a href=\"\">note</a> from editor David Forbes, Coit had been working for the news outlet since June as a freelance journalist and videographer, helping to document local events and protests in the city.</p><p data-block-key=\"4uugh\">Around an hour after arriving, Coit wrote, the demonstrators began to march and the journalist followed them by car because of a medical condition that makes walking difficult. Coit was following the protesters along Haywood Street near the intersection with College Street, with car hazard lights flashing, when a police siren sounded. “There was a large crowd in front of me, parked cars on the street, and other cars beside me too, I couldn’t exactly go anywhere at that moment,” Coit wrote. “I was moving, but slowly. The next thing I see is a cop at my passenger door, ripping it open with no warning.”</p><p data-block-key=\"4tmrn\">In a video of the incident <a href=\"\">posted</a> to YouTube by a bystander, a police officer is seen pulling Coit out of the car by the arm as Coit says, “I haven’t done anything illegal…I’m press, you want my press credentials?” Coit repeatedly yells “you are arresting a member of the press” as police zip tie the journalist’s hands and lead Coit away. After being arrested and spending five hours in jail, Coit was released and charged with failing to disperse on command and impeding the steady flow of traffic, the journalist wrote.</p><p data-block-key=\"2fhnq\">In a <a href=\"\">statement</a> by the Asheville Police Department that was<a href=\"\"> reported</a> by local <a href=\"\">media outlets</a>, the department said that it had “asked organizers to follow traffic laws, not block or obstruct streets, and remain on the sidewalks. Organizers were notified that individuals violating these laws would be arrested.” The APD said it had arrested five people, including Coit, on charges of failing to disperse on command and for traffic infractions. Police officials said Coit was “asked by law enforcement several times to not block the intersection,” <a href=\"\">according to the local daily the Citizen-Times</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"zoyf0\">In the account for the Blade, Coit wrote of being left with bruises after the incident and of being mistreated by officers and subjected to an unnecessary body search during detention. <a href=\"\">According to the Citizen-Times</a>, representatives of the APD later called to ask if Coit wanted to make a complaint. The paper said Coit declined to do so, believing it would not have any effect. The department also said Coit was welcome to review body cam footage of the incident, the Citizen-Times <a href=\"\">reported</a>. Coit told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker in an email that a hearing on the charges is scheduled for early 2021.</p><p data-block-key=\"swv9b\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas or had their equipment damaged while covering protests across the country. Find <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">these incidents here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": "Asheville Police Department", "arrest_status": "arrested and released", "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": true, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "North Carolina", "abbreviation": "NC" }, "updates": [ "(2021-09-09 16:54:00+00:00) Charges dropped against journalist arrested while covering North Carolina protest" ], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Arrest/Criminal Charge", "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Veronica Coit (The Asheville Blade)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Photojournalist hit with flash-bang grenade, pushed into bush at Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-04-09T14:48:29.937443Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-12T19:19:13.893913Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-12T19:19:13.806940Z", "date": "2020-08-08", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"z1vvb\">Photojournalist Nathan Howard was hit in the ankle with a flash-bang grenade and shoved by a police officer into a bush while he was reporting on protests in Portland, Oregon early on the morning of Aug. 8, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"uxvss\">Protests against racial injustice had been held nightly in Portland since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25.</p><p data-block-key=\"n39ow\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations, according to a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a> filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon. The ACLU suit led to a <a href=\"\">temporary restraining order</a>, and later a <a href=\"\">preliminary injunction,</a> barring the Portland Police Bureau from harming or impeding journalists.</p><p data-block-key=\"siz9z\">Howard, who was covering the protest for The Associated Press, told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker he was photographing a demonstration at the East Precinct of the PPB, which also houses the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Department office.</p><p data-block-key=\"ahmz9\">At around 1 or 2 a.m., police formed a riot formation and protesters started backing off, he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"6u8l7\">Howard said he was in a gap in the street between protesters and police as he photographed law enforcement advancing. He heard a metal clang and felt something bounce off his ankle, he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"uic9m\">“I looked down and kind of had enough time to go, ‘Oh, this is gonna suck,’ and a half second later the flash-bang went off,” he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"a47ks\">Howard told the Tracker the device was resting against his ankle when it exploded, cutting and burning him. The blast also melted pieces of metal into his shoes. He said that he kept following the protest, limping, as police drove the protesters away from the police building and onto side streets.</p><p data-block-key=\"xpl29\">A short time later, Howard said he was standing with another journalist, photographing police arrest a protester in a yard. An officer came up behind them and told them that they had to leave. Howard said they couldn’t easily leave because they were in the space between protesters and police. He said they tried to explain that to the officer, but the officer said he did not care.</p><p data-block-key=\"znhea\">As Howard started backing up, he said, the officer shoved the other journalist into a bush. Howard told the Tracker he thinks he tried to take a photograph or said something to the officer to identify them as journalists, and the officer then shoved him into the bush.</p><p data-block-key=\"0drl4\">The Tracker could not confirm the identity of the second journalist.</p><p data-block-key=\"056ix\">Howard said he was clearly marked as a journalist, wearing a vest marked “PRESS” and had credentials hanging around his neck.</p><p data-block-key=\"t6hzc\">Howard said he believed he was targeted because he was a journalist.</p><p data-block-key=\"rjqsb\">Howard told the Tracker he had a gash about 1 inch wide and 4 inches long from the flash-bang grenade. He said the heat from the explosion cauterized the cut, so it didn’t bleed much. A protest medic dressed the wound that night, and Howard said he continued to monitor it over the following days. More than six months later, he said he still had a scar on his ankle.</p><p data-block-key=\"xudrg\">A spokesperson for PPB declined to comment on the incident. The police department has refused comment to the Tracker in other incidents citing ongoing litigation.</p><p data-block-key=\"60prn\">The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is documenting several hundred incidents of journalists being assaulted, arrested, struck by crowd-control ammunition or tear gas, or having their equipment damaged while covering protests across the country. Find <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">these incidents here</a>.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Nathan Howard (The Associated Press)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Photographer slammed to the ground, arrested by Portland police", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-12-13T11:22:23.695880Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-12T19:18:50.894176Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-12T19:18:50.686631Z", "date": "2020-08-08", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"da9x4\">Joseph Rushmore, a freelance documentary photographer, was arrested by police officers and charged with two misdemeanors while covering a demonstration in the early hours of Aug. 8, 2020, in northeast Portland, Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"uqrep\">The protest was one of many that have broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"7289h\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations, according to a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a> filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon. The ACLU suit led to the city agreeing to <a href=\"\">a preliminary injunction</a> in July to not arrest, harm or impede the work of journalists or legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"w9que\">Rushmore was covering a <a href=\"\">protest</a> that began at around 9 p.m. in Laurelhurst Park. Protesters then marched about a half mile to the Penumbra Kelly building, a repeated focus of demonstrators because it houses the Multnomah County Sheriff&#x27;s office and some Portland Police Bureau units.</p><p data-block-key=\"pnk1k\">Protesters blocked the road in front of the building while chanting, making speeches and yelling at officers, Rushmore told the Tracker. At one point, police officers rushed into the crowd, driving protesters into the surrounding residential neighborhood.</p><p data-block-key=\"94gur\">At some point after midnight, about 50 protesters regrouped to head back to the Kelly building, said Rushmore, who was following them. When the group was about a block from the building, officers blocked the way and started pushing protesters and journalists west along East Burnside Street.</p><p data-block-key=\"mq0do\">Footage of Rushmore’s arrest, taken by an observer sometime after 1 a.m. and shared with the Tracker, shows officers rushing into the street and knocking down Rushmore and several protesters. Rushmore can be seen getting grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground. A group of officers then restrains Rushmore and arrests him.</p><p data-block-key=\"xvquc\">“I have two very large cameras around my neck at all times so it is quite obvious I am press,” said Rushmore, though he wasn’t wearing any press credentials or clothing marked as press.</p><p data-block-key=\"ryuyj\">“During this rush, an officer with Portland Police Bureau grabbed me from behind, spun me around and threw me to the ground, slamming my head hard into the pavement,” said Rushmore, adding that his helmet protected him from injury. “At least one more officer got on top of me, and they held me down while zip-tying my hands behind my back. I yelled to the officer that I was press multiple times. He told me, `Now you&#x27;re part of the riot.’ And when I told him again I was just press, he said, ‘Then you shouldn’t have been rioting.’”</p><p data-block-key=\"k4541\">The officers searched Rushmore and seized his helmet, cameras, backpack and phone before being taken to the Kelly building, he said. He was then sent to the jail at the Multnomah County Justice Center downtown, where he was detained in a general holding area. By noon, Rushmore was released, he said. He got all his equipment back two days after his arrest.</p><p data-block-key=\"rudew\">Rushmore was <a href=\"\">charged</a> with two misdemeanors, interfering with an officer and disorderly conduct, but the charges were dropped sometime in the weeks after the arrest, he said.</p><p data-block-key=\"6f07d\">Portland City Attorney Tracy Reeve didn’t respond to a request for comment. The PPB has said it wouldn&#x27;t comment on incidents involving journalists covering the protests, citing continuing litigation in the ACLU case.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": "Portland Police Bureau", "arrest_status": "arrested and released", "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": true, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": "returned in full", "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": "law enforcement", "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "unknown", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [ { "quantity": 2, "equipment": "camera" }, { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "cellphone" }, { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "equipment bag" }, { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "protective equipment" } ], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Arrest/Criminal Charge", "Assault", "Equipment Search or Seizure" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Joseph Rushmore (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Daily Mail photographer arrested while covering Portland protest", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-11-11T17:41:03.768850Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-12T19:19:50.051760Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-12T19:19:49.952203Z", "date": "2020-08-07", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"v58w2\">Daily Mail photographer Michael Arellano was arrested on Aug. 7, 2020, while covering a protest in northeast Portland, Oregon.</p><p data-block-key=\"ly9ut\">The protest was one of many that broke out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"ngoy5\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations in late May, according to a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a> filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon. The ACLU suit led to the city agreeing to a <a href=\"\">preliminary injunction</a> in July to not arrest, harm or impede the work of journalists or legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"01z4h\">The protesters began at Laurelhurst Park in southeast Portland and marched to the Penumbra Kelly Building on East Burnside Street and 47th Avenue, according to <a href=\"\">The Oregonian</a>. The building, which houses the Multnomah County Sheriff&#x27;s office and some Portland Police Bureau units, has been a repeated focus of demonstrators.</p><p data-block-key=\"n0j2p\">Within a few minutes of the crowd’s arrival, police declared an “unlawful assembly.” Officers moved toward a group of journalists standing near the Kelly building, The Oregonian reported. “The journalists, including an Oregonian/OregonLive photographer, were staying behind a line of orange cones that police had set up. Police moved in and detained one photographer working on behalf of The Daily Mail,” the paper reported, identifying him as Arellano.</p><p data-block-key=\"dhe39\">In a <a href=\"\">statement</a> about the night’s police actions, the PPB said it had announced that anyone remaining on the Kelly building property would be arrested for trespassing. “People who remained standing on the property after multiple public address announcements were arrested,” the PPB said. Arellano was booked for criminal trespassing in the second degree.</p><p data-block-key=\"o6zz5\">At 9:48 p.m., independent journalist Griffin Malone <a href=\"\">tweeted</a> a video of Arellano’s arrest from across the street. In the video, Arellano doesn’t appear to be behind the cones with the other members of the press, but it’s also not apparent that he was on the Kelly building property. Officers can be seen pulling him backwards toward the building during the arrest.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Arrested press and retreated. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Griffin - Live Protest News (@GriffinMalone6) <a href=\"\">August 8, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"sg9ea\">Photojournalist Nathan Howard <a href=\"\">retweeted</a> the video and added, “Here&#x27;s Michael Arellano photographer with the <a href=\"\">@DailyMail</a> getting arrested for no apparent reason tonight. He has been covering this for weeks. No warnings, no dispersal order (which press are immune to anyway).”</p><p data-block-key=\"r80kh\">The Oregonian reported that police “were keeping the loudspeakers farther away from the crowd than usual,” making it difficult for protesters to hear announcements.</p><p data-block-key=\"op6ku\">The PPB has said it wouldn&#x27;t comment on incidents involving journalists covering the protests, citing continuing litigation in the ACLU case. Arellano didn’t respond to a request for comment.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": "Portland Police Bureau", "arrest_status": "arrested and released", "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": null, "was_journalist_targeted": null, "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [ "(2022-10-20 09:35:00+00:00) No charges remain against Daily Mail journalist arrested in 2020" ], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Arrest/Criminal Charge" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Michael Arellano (Daily Mail)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Videographer says Portland police officer hit her in the neck with a baton", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-11-11T14:41:22.015783Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-12T19:19:33.011057Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-12T19:19:32.906515Z", "date": "2020-08-07", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"aa6kp\">Independent videographer Melissa Lewis said police officers hit her in the neck with a baton while she was covering a protest in Portland, Oregon, on Aug. 7, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"2ngk5\">The protest was one of many that have broken out across the U.S. in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"atk68\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations, according to a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a> filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon. The ACLU suit led to the city agreeing to <a href=\"\">a preliminary injunction</a> in July to not arrest, harm or impede the work of journalists or legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"wdn5a\">On the night of Aug. 7, Lewis was livestreaming a demonstration outside the Penumbra Kelly building in northeast Portland. The building, which houses the Multnomah County Sheriff&#x27;s office and some Portland Police Bureau units, has been a repeated focus of demonstrators.</p><p data-block-key=\"y6pzc\">Shortly after protesters arrived around 10 p.m., police declared an “unlawful assembly,” <a href=\"\">according to</a> KGW8. The local news outlet quoted the PPB as saying that after officers began making arrests, “members of the crowd started throwing rocks toward officers.” Oregon State Police officers were also involved in the enforcement effort, according to the story.</p><p data-block-key=\"axq1n\">Lewis said that at around 11 p.m. police officers rushed towards a group of protesters, driving them south of the Penumbra Kelly building. While advancing on protesters, police officers swung batons at them, Lewis told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"or5nz\">Lewis, who was wearing a helmet and backpack with the words “press” on them, said one officer swung a baton at her and hit her “on the base of my helmet, right where it ended, right on my [cervical] spine.”</p><p data-block-key=\"v0lwe\">The next day, Lewis went to the emergency room to get an X-ray. “Can’t rotate my head all the way back or side to side,” she <a href=\"\">tweeted</a>. She also <a href=\"\">posted</a> a picture of her diagnosis — a contusion to the neck.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">Getting an X-ray for my neck, after getting hit with a baton. Can’t rotate my head all the way back or side to side. They hit right underneath my press sticker.</p>&mdash; Melissa “Claudio” Lewis (@Claudio_Report) <a href=\"\">August 8, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"rs1mt\">“I was tender over the bones,” she told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"6pzch\">The PPB has said it wouldn’t comment on incidents involving journalists covering the protests, citing continuing litigation.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": "", "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "<p data-block-key=\"tfepy\">Federal law enforcement in Portland, Oregon, in August 2020, during one of many Black Lives Matter protests that year. Journalist Melissa “Claudio” Lewis told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker an officer hit her in the neck with a baton at an Aug. 7 protest.</p>", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": "3:20-cv-01882", "case_type": "CIVIL", "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "no", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [ "(2020-11-01 00:00:00+00:00) Journalist joins civil rights suit against Portland, Oregon; later withdraws" ], "case_statuses": [ "withdrawn" ], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Melissa “Claudio” Lewis (Independent)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] }, { "title": "Portland-based independent photojournalist assaulted and arrested", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2020-11-13T21:50:52.784003Z", "last_published_at": "2023-11-01T15:17:08.289302Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2023-11-01T15:17:08.159421Z", "date": "2020-08-06", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"on5n0\">Portland police assaulted and arrested Independent photojournalist Maranie Staab as she covered protests in downtown Portland on Aug. 6, 2020, according to Staab. Staab, whose photos of the 2020 protests in Portland have been published by <a href=\"\">Reuters</a>, <a href=\"\">The New Yorker</a> and <a href=\"\">Agence France-Presse</a>, told the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker that she was held overnight at the Multnomah County Detention Center and released the next morning. Her charges of harassment and interfering with a police officer have been dropped.</p><p data-block-key=\"y4i59\">On the night of Aug. 6, Staab said she was near the Portland Police Bureau’s East Precinct station. Shortly before 10 p.m., police <a href=\"\">declared</a> the gathering an unlawful assembly due to vandalism and property destruction. The night before, police had <a href=\"\">declared</a> a protest there a riot. During the Aug. 6 protest, Staab said Portland police officers had formed a line and started to run towards the protesters. According to Staab, some journalists were caught up with the protesters as officers rushed toward them. Along with other members of the press, Staab said, she was being pushed along on the sidewalk.</p><p data-block-key=\"wg1tv\">Staab said that while walking backwards with a camera in each hand, she was pushed to the ground by a police officer. Staab said she had “press” written on her front and back in white text.</p><p data-block-key=\"xwafp\">“I tried to get up, he pushed me down a second time,” Staab told the Tracker. When she tried to get up again, Staab said, “He pushed me down a third time and then pulled me off of the sidewalk into the street.” Staab said that the officer then handcuffed and arrested her.</p><p data-block-key=\"xbg2n\">In a<a href=\"\"> video</a> shared in a tweet by freelance journalist Justin Yau, police officers can be seen physically blocking the area and using flashlights to prevent other journalists and legal observers from clearly filming Staab’s arrest. According to Yau’s tweet, the arrest took place at 10:20 p.m.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">At 2220 last night, photojournalist <a href=\"\">@MaranieRae</a> was arrested by Portland Police while she was documenting the protest. They used flashlights &amp; physically blocked other journalists and legal observers from filming the arrest. <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#PressFreedom</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#PortlandProtests</a> <a href=\";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Justin Yau (@PDocumentarians) <a href=\"\">August 8, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"zk72j\">Staab said police transported her in a van to the Multnomah County Detention Center where she was processed and charged with harassment and interfering with a police officer. According to the police report of the arrest, Staab resisted arrest and physically pushed the officer. Staab has denied the police account and said she had “cooperated in full.”</p><p data-block-key=\"07wc7\">At the detention center, Staab said, the officers took her phone, camera, gas mask and hat when she was arrested, but returned her belongings the next day. Although she was able to keep her phone with her, Staab said the phone screen cracked when she was slammed to the ground. Staab said she was released at 4 a.m. on Aug. 7. She said the charges against her were later dropped.</p><p data-block-key=\"s5f34\">In July, a U.S. District Court judge issued a<a href=\"\"> preliminary injunction</a> barring Portland police officers from dispersing, arresting or impeding journalists covering the city’s nightly protests, which began in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the killing of George Floyd, a Black man, in Minneapolis on May 25.</p><p data-block-key=\"nvcsh\">The Portland Police Bureau has said it would not comment on incidents involving journalists covering the protests, citing continuing litigation.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": "Portland Police Bureau", "arrest_status": "arrested and released", "release_date": "2020-08-07", "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": "law enforcement", "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "yes", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [ { "quantity": 1, "equipment": "cellphone" } ], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Arrest/Criminal Charge", "Assault", "Equipment Damage" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Maranie Staab (Freelance)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": null }, { "title": "Journalist pushed twice by police while covering a protest in Portland", "url": "", "first_published_at": "2021-03-09T21:25:15.774881Z", "last_published_at": "2024-06-12T19:20:31.593976Z", "latest_revision_created_at": "2024-06-12T19:20:31.510307Z", "date": "2020-08-06", "exact_date_unknown": false, "city": "Portland", "longitude": -122.67621, "latitude": 45.52345, "body": "<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"tvzr1\">A journalist who is a member of an independent press collective known as the 45th Absurdist Brigade was shoved twice by police while reporting on protests in Portland, Oregon, on Aug. 6, 2020.</p><p data-block-key=\"fp0c8\">The journalist, who asked not to be named, was covering one of the many protests that broke out in Portland in response to police violence and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement following the May 25 death of George Floyd. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker is <a href=\"/blog/blm-and-unprecedented-aggressions-against-media/\">documenting assaults, arrests and other incidents</a> involving journalists covering protests across the country.</p><p data-block-key=\"lgwun\">Law enforcement officers in Portland have targeted journalists since the outbreak of the demonstrations, according to a <a href=\"\">class-action lawsuit</a> filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon. The ACLU suit led to the city agreeing to <a href=\"\">a preliminary injunction</a> in July to not arrest, harm or impede the work of journalists or legal observers of the protests.</p><p data-block-key=\"q62br\">On the night of Aug. 6, the journalist was reporting on protests outside the Portland Police Bureau’s East Precinct when police began trying to clear the area, they told the Tracker.</p><p data-block-key=\"rw6ac\">Officers were moving people northeast, clearing an area toward Southeast Stark Street, the main thoroughfare, the journalist said. Walking backward alongside the police line, the journalist was filming the gap between the police and the protesters. While staying on the sidewalk, they saw officers start to “shove” members of the press, when they were suddenly pushed themselves.</p><p data-block-key=\"fzvmw\">“I was walking backwards and an officer was like, “Get back! Get back on the sidewalk!,’” they said, adding that the officer then “tried to slap my camera down.”</p><p data-block-key=\"2dolw\">The journalist’s camera was tethered to their wrist, they said, so it just briefly fell out of their hands before they grabbed it again. But soon after, they were shoved again back toward the sidewalk, they said.</p><p data-block-key=\"unery\">“Since I was already walking backwards when I got shoved, I just kind of went back on my back foot,” the journalist said. “And I just kind of stumbled back and got up, and continued walking, trying to make sure I didn&#x27;t get trapped.”</p><p data-block-key=\"t4nnt\">A <a href=\"\">video</a> the journalist posted on Twitter at 10:50 p.m. captures the shoving. The first push can be seen around 40 seconds in, and then the camera angle goes askew. Several seconds later, the journalist gets shoved again.</p></div>\n<div class=\"block-tweet\"><div class=\"tweet-embed\">\n <div>\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">The push <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 45th parallel absurdist brigade (@45thabsurdist) <a href=\"\">August 7, 2020</a></blockquote>\n<script async src=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"block-rich_text\"><p data-block-key=\"cggfx\">The shoving was captured from another angle by independent videographer Garrison Davis. “An officer tried to slap<a href=\"\"> @45thabsurdist</a>’s phone out of their hand, then when that failed an officer just pushed them around,” Davis <a href=\"\">tweeted</a>.</p><p data-block-key=\"e1o6v\">The journalist wasn’t physically harmed, they said, and their equipment wasn’t damaged.</p><p data-block-key=\"kti3d\">The PPB didn’t respond to a request for comment on this incident.</p></div>", "introduction": "", "teaser": "", "teaser_image": null, "primary_video": null, "image_caption": "", "arresting_authority": null, "arrest_status": null, "release_date": null, "detention_date": null, "unnecessary_use_of_force": false, "case_number": null, "case_type": null, "status_of_seized_equipment": null, "is_search_warrant_obtained": false, "actor": null, "border_point": null, "target_us_citizenship_status": null, "denial_of_entry": false, "stopped_previously": false, "did_authorities_ask_for_device_access": null, "did_authorities_ask_about_work": null, "assailant": "law enforcement", "was_journalist_targeted": "unknown", "charged_under_espionage_act": false, "subpoena_type": null, "name_of_business": null, "third_party_business": null, "legal_order_venue": null, "status_of_prior_restraint": null, "mistakenly_released_materials": false, "links": [], "equipment_seized": [], "equipment_broken": [], "state": { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, "updates": [], "case_statuses": [], "workers_whose_communications_were_obtained": [], "target_nationality": [], "targeted_institutions": [], "tags": [ "Black Lives Matter", "protest" ], "politicians_or_public_figures_involved": [], "authors": [], "categories": [ "Assault" ], "targeted_journalists": [ "Anonymous 45th Absurdist (45th Absurdist Press Collective)" ], "subpoena_statuses": [], "type_of_denial": [] } ]